Is it possible to embed a keylogger into a jpg image?



I'm curious to know if it's possible to make a jpg file that contains a keylogger that will execute when the image is opened.

I strongly believe such thing is not possible, however I'm hearing more and more rumors of this. Any thoughts?


Posted 2015-09-02T21:27:51.460

Reputation: 19

5 duplicate: How to inject executable, malicious code into PDF, JPEG, MP3, etc.?

– DavidPostill – 2015-09-02T21:32:25.793



It is possible when there is a security hole in the application which you are using to open JPG file (or any other file), unless it's fake JPEG image.

So there are few scenarios:

  • running fake JPEG

    Non-experienced user downloaded file and thinks it's the image (because the icon looks like an image and OS doesn't show you extension), but it could be any executable file (.exe, .vbs, .msi, .cmd, .bat, etc.). So if your operating system doesn't warn you when you run fake image file, the image could be shown with keylogger installed. So always check your extension before opening suspicious files.

  • opening JPEG

    Any media file (and other) could carry some injected code designed to trick specific applications. They could have some flaws in parsing some data (e.g. in EXIF). So if application is buggy, the injected data could trick the application to run some arbitrary code.

    For example: Exploit:W32/JPG Vulnerability, Exploit:W32/JPG Vulnerability, MS04-028 exploit

  • loading JPEG from the server

    You could inject some programming code into JPEG, so once it's parsed by web application, it can execute any code in the given language. For example JPEG file can include special tags (<?php, ?>) and when parsed by badly coded application from the webhosting company (file_get_contents(), fopen(), readfile()), it could erase your www account.

    Example JPEG: php-logo-virus.jpg

    which has this code embedded into the file:

    ÿØÿàJFIF``ÿáfExifMM* éV@HQQQ<style>body{font-size: 0;} h1{font-size: 12px !important;}</style><h1><?php echo "<hr />THIS IMAGE COULD ERASE YOUR WWW ACCOUNT, it shows you the PHP info instead...<hr />"; phpinfo(); __halt_compiler(); ?></h1>

    So once you open above image, add view-source: before the address, so you'll see the injected PHP script. Note that the above image is just the example, and it won't do anything.

    Source: Code injection – a simple PHP virus carried in a JPEG image

  • loading JPEG file which isn't JPEG file

    When you see the link such as:, you think it's an image, but it doesn't have to. It all depends on its MIME type and by loading it, you actually can load the script (such as Javascript), and on vulnerable/old browser, could install a keylogger. On the other hand, your browser doesn't have to be old to achieve that.

    For example, you're visiting the page which is fake bank website, or can be real bank (with some forum where somebody uploaded fake JPEG via XSS). So to implement XSS Keylogger, you just need document.onkeypress + AJAX calls. See: XSS Keylogger

    Also check: XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet

  • loading JPEG which is SVG

    Sometimes when you load media file and web-browser recognise it as different image, it fallback to the format which was recognised. And what you can do in SVG files, you can include html and JavaScript into it (if your web-browser allows that), see: Create a table in SVG (and another one).


Posted 2015-09-02T21:27:51.460

Reputation: 16 795

1Nicely covered and sourced. Certainly a good argument for sand-boxing the browser. – Frank Thomas – 2016-01-18T01:28:58.773


Normally it wouldn't be possible. JPEG files contain just compressed image data; they don't really contain any parts which would be run as program code, and certainly not something that would give such broad access to the system.

However, programs have bugs. More specifically, some of the various libraries used for decompressing JPEG data may have bugs which allow the program to be tricked into running parts of the data as program code, often using a buffer overflow or similar bug.

(Also, some other image formats are poorly designed do contain runnable code by design... two of the better-known examples are WMF and PDF.)


Posted 2015-09-02T21:27:51.460

Reputation: 283 655

Hmm. Code injection – a simple PHP virus carried in a JPEG image - a real exploit embedded in an image ...

– DavidPostill – 2015-09-02T21:37:44.740


This is unlikely.

It is more likely, that this is an executable that is named such as: image1.jpg.exe. If extensions are hidden, you will see Image1.jpg.

The program has the icon of a jpg image, and by starting the program it extracts an embedded image to the temp folder and starts it to simulate the image being opened and not raise suspicions. The program then installs the keylogger.

But this is not an image with embedded keylogger. Its a program pretending to be an image with an embedded keylogger, trying to trick the person into opening the image, the same way spyware is being made to trick the user to open it and install itself.


Posted 2015-09-02T21:27:51.460

Reputation: 42 190


Hmm. Code injection – a simple PHP virus carried in a JPEG image - a real exploit embedded in an image ...

– DavidPostill – 2015-09-02T21:36:12.003

Never say "This is not possible" when it comes to computers ;) – DavidPostill – 2015-09-02T21:37:11.877

@DavidPostill : good point. it would need exploits and thus not really work in most programs, but that makes it unlikely rather than impossible. post edited. :) – LPChip – 2015-09-02T21:42:59.010


In general, when you display some sort of file, you read it and process the content so that it can be displayed correctly (for example read the image data and calculate each pixel). Because an image file is totally static and the data it contains is always similar, it is extremely unlikely that the data which the image viewer looks for and processes (like color information in certain areas) can be executed as malicious code.


Posted 2015-09-02T21:27:51.460

Reputation: 51

Hmm. Code injection – a simple PHP virus carried in a JPEG image - a real exploit embedded in an image ...

– DavidPostill – 2015-09-02T21:54:50.713