How to quickly move current window to another Task View / desktop in Windows 10?



Windows 10 introduced Task View - the ability to have multiple virtual desktops. When I am in a window on Desktop 1, what's the quickest way to move it to Desktop 2?

Currently, I need to enter the task switcher (icon in the Taskbar or Win + Tab), find the window, and drag & drop it between desktops. It is inconvenient. Is there a quicker way?

Borek Bernard

Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 11 400

3This is how I do it and the only way I know how to do it. Press the Windows key + Tab . Press Tab again . This removes the outline from the active program thumbnail and Task View interface active. Use the arrow keys to move among the desktops on the Task View interface. When you have highlighted the desktop to which you want to switch, press Enter . – zain.ali – 2015-08-04T11:40:41.023

7Oooooo you can try WINKEY + CTRL + LEFT ARROW or WINKEY + CTRL + RIGHT ARROW – zain.ali – 2015-08-04T11:43:17.940

45This is not about navigating between desktops, it is about moving windows from one desktop to another. And yes, Ctrl+Win+left/right is cool :) – Borek Bernard – 2015-08-04T11:49:14.540

In a project my brother is working on, he implemented it as WINKEY-X, WINKEY-V. Works super smooth. If only Microsoft caught up...

– Wouter – 2016-06-14T13:04:26.713

4When to expect a Windows build in hotkey for it? – principal-ideal-domain – 2017-04-19T10:03:07.917

@Borek Does any of the answers satisfy you? – arieljannai – 2018-03-10T17:03:30.597



I think for a quicker switch this should be in the titlebar, so I created a tool for that:

enter image description here

You can also move windows by using WIN+ALT+Left/Right or change the shortcut as needed.


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 1 723

(y) Excellant work. Thanks. BTW, why does it need both x86 and x64 version of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 even when my processor and OS both are x64? – IsmailS – 2016-03-29T07:58:05.243

1Yes! Finally!!! Thank you so much! :) As an Ubuntu user I was super excited about Virtual Desktops in Windows 10... but without this hotkey feature it felt useless. Now the feature is finally complete :) Thanks for your efforts and thanks for open sourcing it. – Adamski – 2016-04-13T09:14:41.830

OK, call me an idiot, but "Download and Run" is a bit cynical... I have downloaded the zip. Run... what? I have tried opening the solution in VisualStudio 2015 Community, but nothing happens. What am I missing? Do I need to build it? Build what then? Looks amazing, please help me use it. – vacip – 2016-05-19T08:27:31.240

6Download from the Releases section. In there is an .exe file, extract it somewhere and run it. No need for Visual Studio 2015. You might just need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable package. – Eun – 2016-05-19T08:48:49.983

Releases section... That was the key. Makes sense, too. Thank you very much! – vacip – 2016-05-20T12:13:01.880

@Eun: cool. thx! Might want to mention the thing about the release secton in the readme. Downloading the source had me thinking "oh, this is too techy for me". I was expecting the zip to also contain the source. Or is this a common GitHub thing all other users expect this way? – Wouter – 2016-06-14T13:24:38.120

@Wouter You would normaly check the release section :). But there is a big Download button on the page ;) – Eun – 2016-06-14T14:24:38.070

4This tool did not work. – K Robinson – 2016-11-04T16:10:57.737

2wonder when windows will add drag and drop to the virtual desktops screen - that would be amazing – Mikey – 2016-12-03T16:10:07.743

@Mikey They added that a long time ago. I have had it since I first started using Win 10. – Ninjakannon – 2016-12-06T00:43:21.687

1@Ninjakannon sorry, I should have been more specific. I mean to drag one window from any desktop to another - without having to switch to that desktop first, i.e. from the thumbnail windows. And also the ability to drag the virtual desktops around, to rearrange the order. – Mikey – 2016-12-06T00:45:03.307

1@Mikey If you press Win + tab, you can drag windows from the current desktop to any other. I'm not sure it makes sense to want to drag a window from a desktop you are not on, that could get very confusing! – Ninjakannon – 2016-12-06T00:49:17.003

@Eun The tool seems great! Which version of the Visual C++ Redistributable Package is necessary? When I simply run the downloaded .exe file it doesn't add the Window option nor the shortcuts. – riddleculous – 2017-03-21T12:54:31.670

@Eun never mind. After a Windows Update it's working without installing any further packages. Works like a charm! – riddleculous – 2017-03-22T11:07:21.867

Awesome! - @borek I think this can be marked as answer. – arieljannai – 2017-04-07T12:59:52.357

@vacip I did that too. Instead of downloading from the clone or download box on the upper right as you normally would, scroll down to the green download button probably about half way down the page. Download from there and it will be an exe file instead of a zip. – mchid – 2017-04-11T23:21:27.967

2@Ninjakannon No, I believe Mikey is talking about being able to drag the window over the sides of the screen into the next desktop without changing view. Just like it is in almost all linux desktops and on Ubuntu Unity. There is also usually a setting for the snappiness which allows the user to still snap to the side but if using more force or momentum then then the user would be able to drag the window past the border into the next virtual desktop instead of snapping. – mchid – 2017-04-11T23:23:55.063

Works for me. Thanks. The default hotkeys couldn't be registered, but after changing them it works great! – AgDude – 2019-04-03T17:25:45.240

As a Linux user forced to use Windows at work, this is exactly what I was looking for. I use virtual desktops a lot and features like this to speed up workflow mean a lot. Thanks! It's a shame Microsoft seems to be ignoring so many useful features common in Linux distros. – Pilot_51 – 2019-07-22T13:26:33.523

Quite a lot of malware detections Hopefully, all benign.

– Artem Russakovskii – 2019-08-06T23:48:42.627

@ArtemRussakovskii really? did anyone else confirm this? really needed a tool like this.. it's sad if it comes with malware – Anoyz – 2019-10-29T12:22:24.483

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot Eun. – Arpit Aggarwal – 2020-01-21T09:50:48.300


I also looked for that option, and from the searches I've made (I think that I also saw it on the Microsoft forums), it's not something that is available built-in at the moment.

The best way I came out with for now, to avoid using the mouse, is:

  • Winkey + tab for the desktops screen
  • Right click on the window you want to move.
    Use the right click keyboard button, or Shift + F10 if you don't have that key in your keyboard.
  • Choose Move to (or type M, because it's marked), and then the desktop you want (or N for new desktop, also marked)

This doesn't help that much, but that's what there is until someone develops something to make it easier.

Update: I've started looking into this. There's a registry value that changes when the app is moved between desktops. In that location, there are all the open apps:

(I guess the session number will change if there is more than one logged in).

The id of the current desktop is here:


It's not enough to change it to the other virtual desktop key because some UI refresh is needed.

I've checked with procmon, and the dll's that are used in the process are:

  • msctf.dll
  • twinui.dll
  • windows.immersiveshell.serviceprovider.dll
  • shell32.dll
  • UIAnimation.dll

I'll guess that one of them is responsible for the visual refresh, and the main suspect is UIAnimation.dll!

If someone wants to keep investigating, this will serve as a start.


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 1 913

4After pressing Win + Tab, you can also simply drag the window to the desktop you want. – Nearoo – 2017-09-13T16:59:23.887

2@Nearoo which kind of loses the point of doing it fast - mostly without the mouse. – arieljannai – 2017-09-13T20:31:56.597

2@arieljannai Nah, dragging it is most probably faster than having to right click, open the submenu and clicking on the desktop. A shortcut like on Linux would be best, though. – Stefan Fabian – 2018-09-05T10:30:42.883

3Just learned something new and useful Shift + F10 = right click – JDuarteDJ – 2019-06-28T10:47:40.640


I use Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Enhancer.

Just download it, run it (and configure autostart if you need).

Then you can simply press Win + Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right and it will move you app to other desktop and switch to that desktop.


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 371

The script didn't work for me, but the release exe does. Nice solution! – lucidbrot – 2018-01-14T10:04:35.190

2simple, transparent, easy to install = perfect! – anderstood – 2018-12-07T12:26:43.853


At this level of managing Windows, I really think you should use a third-party program to help out. My own solution to this was to add a simple shortcut to AutoHotKey (AHK):

#|::Send, +{F10}M{Enter}

#| is the shortcut, which translates to Win + |

On my keyboard, that makes sense, as | is above Tab, but you could change it to whatever suits your need.

Using above answer by arieljannai, by sending Shift + F10, M, Enter, the marked window will be moved to the other virtual desktop if you're juggling between two.

For an introduction to AHK, please see


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 129

2F10 does nothing on my computer. The contextual menu key of my (French) keyboard does the job though. – Sébastien – 2017-01-23T15:45:48.940

win+Tab, context, V, Enter on Swiss-german setup – lucidbrot – 2018-01-14T07:59:29.157

1F10 alone does not bring up context menu, you must hold shift (denoted by + in AHK above). updated answer to reflect the typo. – kevinf – 2019-02-20T19:55:51.867


I'm not sure why this hasn't been mentioned above, but the following is the native way to do this, without downloading helpers.

  1. Win + Tab to quickly see all applications/windows (if you have multiple monitors, there will be one list on each monitor for each virtual desktop).

  2. Right click on the application/window you want to move over, hover on Move to, and select the desktop you want send the application to.

Before I found this, I even tried the MoveToDesktop project posted above, but I find this just as easy, and the MoveToDesktop menu doesn't seem to appear on all applications anyway (for example, not Chrome nor Sublime at the moment).


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 191

3Too bad that there is still not hotkey for it. Though this works nice too. – JP Hellemons – 2018-01-19T13:20:54.953

Once you have the desktops setup its rare that you need to move things over, no? – nights – 2018-06-07T07:31:07.873

I move screens from monitor 1 to 2 all the time with a hotkey. I move between desktops all the time with a hotkey, so why not a hotkey to move a window between virtual desktops? And I mean a native hotkey build in win10 – JP Hellemons – 2018-06-08T07:19:27.073

It would be nice indeed. – nights – 2018-06-09T08:15:35.040

4What has been so nice for many years in Ubuntu Linux has been that you can set up your virtual desktops without ever taking your hands off the keyboard. In the course of working on whatever you're working on, you can decide to launch an app with its hotkey, then decide only afterward that you'd rather put it in a new or other workspace, and send it there with another hotkey. No need to move a hand to mouse or touchpad. It's incredibly fast and efficient. I miss it greatly in Windows. In fact it's one of the reasons I now use Windows only for certain games or Adobe products. – cdaddr – 2018-10-14T05:29:39.597



I'm using it for that purpose. It has keyboard shortcuts - which is great.
The developer is very responsive if you report an issue or ask a question or for a possible feature.

The best feature is DesktopView See below.

There are more options at GitHub, which I currently can't remember

Here are some screenshots of zVirtualDesktop

You can choose from these system tray icons enter image description here

It has a really nice feature called DesktopView shown below. With this view you can drag and drop your windows to any desktop. It also works like Alt+Tab in that you can click a thumbnail to go to that window. enter image description here

Note: I answered this question about 1.5-2 years ago, with some hints to start developing something. But now, there are some solutions developed for this.
I added a new answer since there's no point in editing/improving my previous one, since they are totally different.


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 1 913

There are many programs to do it but the OP is asking about the Virtual Desktop manager included in Windows. – skan – 2018-01-18T10:56:40.830


I haven't used this, but VirtuaWin is worth a try too, since it (1) can auto catch programs into their own desktop, and (2) has addons to improve productivity.

– Ooker – 2018-05-31T08:38:11.500

2I checked out zVirtualDesktop and it doesnt look trustworthy. Hosts on a Github but is closed source (apparently the source got removed), the older version that was apparently accidentally uploaded to Github (the exe is in the history) has a different usage license (private use is free forever) but autoupdates to the everyone-pays version... Also no mention of price on the site, only when you already launched it – sinni800 – 2018-09-14T06:26:53.107


I use autohotkey with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+WIN+SHIFT+LEFT or RIGHT to push windows to the other virtual desktop. I only use 2 virtual desktops, so this works for me regardless if i press left or right.

AHK Code:

Send #{tab}        ;WIN+TAB=Open the desktop view
Sleep 200
Send +{F10}M{Enter};SHIFT+F10=context menue. M=move. Enter for the first desktop in the list.
Sleep 100
Send #{tab}        ;WIN+TAB=Close the desktop view

Arno Reinhofer

Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 39

Note that this only works (in a multi-monitor setup) for applications on the main monitor. I needed to add a "Send {Left}{Right}" after the "Send #{tab}" to ensure that the application is actually selected before trying to move, or this did nothing. – Dan – 2018-04-13T23:27:18.100


Taking hints from the solutions of Greenonline and Sebastien:

  1. Hit 'Win+Tab' for the Workspace Management View
  2. Directional keys to navigate to the window of interest (if this was the last one in focus, it shouldn't be necessary).
  3. Hit the 'Context' key for a dropdown menu, where you can select moving to other desktops.

So, not very straightforward, but definitely something you can easily automate your hands to do.


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 31


As of Windows 10 Version 1803, the simple way to move current/targeted window from 1 desktop to another is by following way:

  1. Press Win + Tab to see the timeline.
  2. Below Desktops section, you'll see the list of active running programs window under the current desktop. Click & hold the window and drag into specific desktop you want.
  3. Voila!

Plus, its native and doesn't require any third party software.


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 41


Autohotkey solution. Bound to Win+Tilde key. This script automates all keystrokes that you would perform manually to send it to the next (if you're on the first) or previous desktop. Be careful though with such things - this can be dangerous if this input goes to wrong destination.

SendMode Input 
    send {blind}#{tab}
    sleep 1000
    send {appskey}
    sleep 300
    send {down}
    sleep 200
    send {down }
    sleep 200
    send {right}
    sleep 200
    send {left}
    sleep 200
    send {right}
    sleep 300
    send {enter}
    sleep 300
    send {esc}
    sleep 300

Mikhail V

Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 550


simple press Winkey + Tab, now select the program (window) and drag it to the list of Desktops shown below (Desktop 1 or 2). Done. No other way..


Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 19

6"No other way" Clearly false as one of the other answer shows. – DavidPostill – 2017-01-28T15:14:40.143

this is the best answer despite the negative votes – jmhostalet – 2018-03-13T10:01:36.497


Win + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right


Win + Arrow Left / Arrow Right


Win + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

System Out Of Memory

Posted 2015-08-04T11:26:53.007

Reputation: 1

2Those shortcuts do not move between virtual desktops. – Michael Mior – 2017-03-25T23:50:11.740

5It seems to move between multiple displays – jlanza – 2017-08-16T16:37:07.520