SubInACL using accent in usergroup name returns error 1337


I'm trying to reset my registry permissions to default because something modified it and causing some problems.

But when I replace the "Administrators" usergroup name with the translated one which would be "Rendszergazdák" and run the bat script I got error 1337 which looks like this:

If the file is saved as UTF-8 no-BOM

Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00
Done:        0, Modified        0, Failed        0, Syntax errors        1
Last Syntax Error:WARNING : /grant=rendszergazdLookupAccountName : HKEY_CURRENT_
USER:rendszergazd+ík 1337 The security ID structure is invalid.

and if the file is saved in ANSI:

Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00
Done:        0, Modified        0, Failed        0, Syntax errors        1
Last Syntax Error:WARNING : /grant=rendszergazd▀k=f : Error when checking argume
LookupAccountName : HKEY_CURRENT_USER:rendszergazdßk 1337 
The security ID structure is invalid.

I tried to put the usergroup name between quotation marks but it didn't made any difference.

How can I use the translated name with Accents?

Laci K

Posted 2015-05-13T13:41:35.763

Reputation: 263

L33t, you know… – redbeam_ – 2015-05-13T20:49:57.423



I found out that you can use SID instead of user/usergroup name so I changed administrators with S-1-5-32-544 and after this the script run just fine.

Laci K

Posted 2015-05-13T13:41:35.763

Reputation: 263

Thanks a lot, you saved my day – 244an – 2019-06-12T21:25:11.197