Any way of changing Windows screen resolution via command line?



I am using Microsoft's Live Mesh program to remotely access a PC running Windows 7, running on 2 screens: one with 1920x1080 and the other 1920x1200 resolution.

I am accessing them via an old laptop with 1024x1078 resolution. The result is such tiny icons/commands that it is difficult to try and change the screen resolution from 2 high-res displays to the single low res display.

It would be great if there was a command line way of doing this. Or perhaps there is way through live mesh to do it. Any ideas?

Bill Rodman

Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 712



Use QRes then say,

QRes.exe /x:800 /y:600


Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 467

A tiny utility that does exactly what I need. – Bill Rodman – 2010-01-29T11:43:05.687

5I combine this utility with the Windows7 DisplaySwitch.exe command: "C:\Windows\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /internal" to switch exclusevely to the main monitor. – Bill Rodman – 2010-01-29T12:17:29.537

5Doesn't work with Windows x64. – Fantius – 2014-11-24T01:59:11.247

The latest version seems to work fine on Windows 10 64-bit. -- Doesn't appear to be a way to address and individual monitor though. It always just works against the primary screen. -- The hack that others posted (use DisplaySwitch) seems like it might work, as long as you only have two monitors... – BrainSlugs83 – 2016-01-24T17:21:33.123

DisplaySwitch.exe /internal didn't work for me, but when I ran DisplaySwitch.exe a 2nd time with no arguments, a dialog box popped up and I was able to switch to single monitor mode. This saved me from having to drive into the office, thanks @BillRodman – wytten – 2017-10-27T14:31:39.973

Displayswitch.exe also has command line parameters that allow you to create a shortcut that will set a specific display mode.
/internal /clone /extend /external
– JJS – 2012-06-15T22:41:15.200


The nircmd freeware tool can do this.
To change the display to 1024 x 768 with a 24 bit color depth:

nircmd.exe setdisplay 1024 768 24

nircmd also has other very numerous functions.


Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 306 093

Why its not permanently changed? But temporary getting applied? – YumYumYum – 2018-04-26T21:40:18.090

1if you're using a laptop like mine that doesn't support 24-bit color. You might have to change the 24 to 32 -- nircmd.exe setdisplay 1024 768 32 – Julian – 2013-08-15T22:13:43.690


I found a Windows Powershell script sample, provided by Microsoft Technet, that is able to change the screen resolution.

The best way to invoke it, I found, was from a separate Powershell script, that looks like this:

## This loads the function (defined in another script)
. C:\[YOUR-PATH]\Set-ScreenResolution

## invoke with width and height
Set-ScreenResolution -Width 1680 -Height 1050

(Note I had saved the Microsoft script as Set-ScreenResolution.ps1)

Then from the command line or Start->Run you can invoke the second Powershell script, which I named Invoke-Set-ScreenResolution.ps1 like this (the -noexit param is good at first for debugging, but you may want to remove it later on depending on whether you want the command window to close):

powershell -noexit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass & C:\[your-path]\Invoke-Set-ScreenResolution.ps1

Michael Lucas

Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 179

1Just what the doctor subscribed, thanks a lot ! – Larphoid – 2018-03-20T17:17:02.710


I used a combination of Qres.exe and Sleep.exe (put these in your Windows folder) in startup batch files to change resolution among 2 users. The actual script is as follows:

@echo off
sleep 2
QRes.exe /x:1280 /y:960

(Whereas the low-res copy is Qres.exe /x:800 /y:600)


If you want your icons to stay where you want them... read on.
You'll need two more downloads:

-> Startup Delayer:

-> DesktopOK

Install Startup Delayer and place DesktopOK wherever you like, I used my 'user' folder. Organize your desktop, how you want it to be on every reboot.

In DesktopOK go to Options and tick "Restore by Windows Startup", right click on the newly made "Icon Layout" and click "Use this for: Restore at Windows Startup".
At this point you'll need to also check "Start DesktopOK with windows". The later two options will be unchecked automatically by of Startup Delayer later on.

Now locate DesktopOK in Startup Delayer and right-click "Delay" it.

Now there's only one thing left to do, make your startup batch file.

@echo off
sleep 2
QRes.exe /x:1280 /y:960
sleep 1
"C:\Program Files\r2 Studios\Startup Delayer\Startup Launcher.exe" /LaunchApps=Common

Of course you'll need to put it in your startup folder, the reason the process is so extensive with the icons is because DesktopOK can't handle the resolution switch, and wants to move icons while the resolution is being changed, so we needed to delay the registry startup, and this is the only way I found. I don't dare claim this to be the best way, but I do claim it works, I found no other way, and I came up with the process myself. It gets around every aspect of the situation by replacing icons where they belong per-user.

Thanks for being so flexible Microsoft!


Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 51


Try Display Changer 2, which can do this, as well as start a program and change the resolution back when it's stopped running (which you MAY be able to get working with mesh, but YMMV)


Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 22 001


None of the already mentioned tools had all that I needed, so I came up with my own solution: ChangeScreenResolution.exe


Change screen resolution of all monitors to 800x600px

ChangeScreenResolution.exe /w=800 /h=600

Change screen resolution of all monitors to 800x600px with refresh rate of 60Hz and 32bit color depth

ChangeScreenResolution.exe /w=800 /h=600 /f=60 /b=32

Set color depth of display with index 1 to 16bit

ChangeScreenResolution.exe /b=16 /d=1 

Quick overview of the options:

Possible options (you can set OR query)
  Setting options
    /w=<width>      Width in pixel       eg 800
    /h=<height>     Height in pixel      eg 600
    /f=<frequency>  display refresh rate eg 60
    /b=<bpp>        bits per pixel       eg 32

  Querying options
    /l              list all connected display devices
    /m              list all available mode settings

  Filtering options
    /d=<device>     devices to modify/query, separated by comma, eg:
                      all (default)
                      0 (monitor with index 0, see option /l)
                      0,2 (monitors with index 0 and 2)
                      \\.\DISPLAY1 (name of display, see option /l)

Alexander Taubenkorb

Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 141

I haven't tested your solution, but +1 for creating your own :) – Thomas – 2016-03-29T18:03:21.663

Well, I ended up testing it and prefer it above the other options above in terms of simplicity. However, it didn't work for me (a display adapter problem on my end). Still, great little utility! – Thomas – 2016-03-29T20:00:52.257

@Thomas what was the problem? If you use all devices it has to work for all of them. You should see in the output if an adapter fails. In my cases it was always a virtual one or so. I can see if I can provide a fix for that. – Alexander Taubenkorb – 2016-03-30T05:47:54.773

I don't want to use these comments as a forum for troubleshooting. But it's definitely an error on our end. The computer is having a black screen on Windows boot but I can access a command line remotely via our RMM agent and I was hoping to force it into VGA mode to get the screen to come back up. No dice. Not a problem with your app, just the computer I was running it on. – Thomas – 2016-03-31T17:15:54.737

1What is the license for your utility? – Michael Lucas – 2018-01-10T21:00:09.240

1@MichaelLucas, there is no actual licence, but you can use it anyhow you want ;-) Thanks for asking! – Alexander Taubenkorb – 2018-01-11T07:05:50.240


While somebody already mentioned Nirsoft's nircmd, the best tool from Nirsoft for this purpose is MultiMonitorTool.

It supports multi-monitor, saved configurations, 32 and 64 bit, changes in resolution, activation and orientation, etc.


Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183

Reputation: 861

The other tools mentioned didn't work for me, but this one did. Excellent tool for changing screen resolutions in a flash -- thanks for posting. – Moshe Rubin – 2016-08-28T10:54:05.780


Worthy to note the solution through built-in wmic command of Windows Management Instrumentation

wmic desktopmonitor create screenheight=1024, screenwidth=768

Though can result in:

Description = Provider is not capable of the attempted operation

in some "providers"


Posted 2009-12-30T11:12:38.183


2DOES not work. Tried with admin or without but same. – YumYumYum – 2017-10-02T12:47:28.890