Is IE 11 the latest and available for Windows 8 Pro x64?


I'm running Windows 8 Pro, x64, fully patched. It has Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.17116 installed. I checked Windows update and there are no updates available.

I had a popup spring from somewhere, and it stated to download the latest version of Internet Explorer. I think it may have come from the check box below (or then again, it may have been a phishing attempt):

IE10 Popup

I found it kind of odd, so I went to Microsoft's download for Internet Explorer 11 x64. Here's what Microsoft's download page told me:

IE11 Message

There's a Next button available (not shown above), so I followed it. The next page presents me with:

IE11 Options

The two pages confuse me. Is IE 11 the latest and available for x64 or not? If I attempt the download and install, will Microsoft corrupt this system so I have to reinstall?


Posted 2014-10-21T02:53:08.953

Reputation: 1

3IE11 cannot be installed on Windows 8 only Windows 7 and Windows 8.1; if you want IE11 upgrade to 8.1; it's not possible to upgrade to IE11 with Windows 8.0 – Ramhound – 2014-10-21T03:16:20.540

1Thanks @Ramhound. Microsoft should have stated it as succinctly as you. Better, Microsoft should not have given the impression the download is available on the second screen. It would have saved me and other who read this question a lot of time. – jww – 2014-10-21T03:44:13.473

1@Ramhound this is an answer, not a comment. So post it as answer. – magicandre1981 – 2014-10-21T03:53:52.497

When I clicked on your link, AVG 2015 claimed that it was a virus- "Virus found JS/FakeCodec". And that last picture's content in your question (as is the weblink) is VERY suspicious. So it IS a phishing attempt. Doesn't "Superior HD Video Streaming and Hardware Acceleration+Download Any Movies, Shows or Video Clips" sound a bit too good to be true? ;) – Rsya Studios – 2014-10-21T06:03:10.947

The second screenshot you provided is crystal clear. The URL your asking about isn't even a Microsoft website, you should remove it, so not to promote malware websites – Ramhound – 2014-10-21T11:49:02.453



Here the answer from Ramhound:

IE11 cannot be installed on Windows 8 only Windows 7 and Windows 8.1; if you want IE11 upgrade to 8.1; it's not possible to upgrade to IE11 with Windows 8.0


Posted 2014-10-21T02:53:08.953

Reputation: 86 560


Internet Explorer 11 is included in the Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 update



Posted 2014-10-21T02:53:08.953

Reputation: 404


For things like internet Explorer, unless you are an early adopter, Windows Update will take care of that. There are no popups to install browser updates for any current browser - these are all scams. Even if there were popups that are not scams, there are always ways to install updates through the official sources, just the way you tried to do.

The screenshots explain what is going on - You can download Internet Explorer 11, but it won't run on your system. This is an option provided for people who want to download it from one machine and then install it on another machine, as explained in the first screenshot. The installer will not corrupt the system, it will simply refuse to install on a system that is not supported.

Now, here's the tricky part: Windows Update should handle Windows Updates, but in the case of the update from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, it doesn't. That's the update for Windows 8 which includes Internet Explorer 11. This update you have to install through the Windows Store (go to the start screen, type "Store", click the green "store" icon). You'll find the update there and then you can download and install it. For detailed instructions see:

Be aware that the update from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 is not available if you are running Windows 8 64 bit on a very old 64 bit CPU which is missing some required instructions from its instruction set.


Posted 2014-10-21T02:53:08.953

Reputation: 4 199