I am looking for a simple way to copy into the clipboard all the "marks" in notepad++.
I found that I could copy the whole line that match the regex using the bookmark option. But I'm looking for a way to copy only the marked text (or the text that matches the regex expression).
The ideal would be to past the output separated by newline (or custom separator).
I looked into TxtFX option without luck. I looked into the plugin/python script lib, is there inside any of those code that could copy the marked text into the clipboard ?
In brief, is there a way to makes it -in one shot- using notepad++?
(I've seen I could do it using SynWrite -using command "Extract strings"- but using notepad++ would be better).
As-is, your question is a little confusing, what do you mean by "Marks"? Can you provide some example data, an example result and the RegEx you've tried using? Why not just perform a RegEx Find and then Ctrl-C to copy the found, matching text? Do you know about RegEx "capture groups" for find and replace? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-10-03T15:28:59.970
after entering my Regex '(?<=#)\w+' I'm using the "mark" tab on the ctrl+F windows in notepad++. – JinSnow – 2014-10-03T15:33:28.853
Why not just perform a RegEx Find and then Ctrl-C to copy the found, matching text? Unfortunately it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong : I enter the the regex in the find windows, then "find all in the current document" then CTRL+C? – JinSnow – 2014-10-03T15:37:19.013
Do you know about RegEx "capture groups" for find and replace? No, I'm goggling it. – JinSnow – 2014-10-03T15:40:37.790
Could you provide some sample text? I ask because I think one option may be "inverting" your regex to catch everything but what you want copied. Then you could replace the match to leave yourself with only what you want. – Excellll – 2014-10-03T15:41:13.543
I'm just retrieving hashtags (using: (?<=#)\w+) from a text that look like that (but I'm also looking for a simple way to copy-past the marks that would work for any regex). My text look like: blablala djkjd kdls, #study, international, #organization, blablala djkjd kdls, shjfdtudy, ghdf, hjfdorgan, blablala #djkjd kdls, #hgfdjf blablala #djkjd kdls, #study, hjs, #social_organization – JinSnow – 2014-10-03T15:48:22.403
your solution would be more than appreciated! I'm just surprise I could not "just" copy past the "marks" – JinSnow – 2014-10-03T15:50:29.257