Is there a keyboard shortcut to "unselect" in Windows Explorer?



If I've got a file (or files) selected in Windows Explorer, the only way I've found to "unselect" them is click with the mouse on some empty space.

I thought Esc would do this, but it doesn't. Also changing focus with Tab or Shift + Tab doesn't work; the file(s) are still selected even if focus goes to the address bar for instance.

Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut to do this?

Adam Neal

Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 643

I was thinking of implementing a Unselect All feature in an app that I'm developing and I was thinking Ctrl+Shift+A would make a lot of sense. So far I haven't found any examples of other apps using this shortcut though. What do you think? – jpierson – 2010-08-23T14:31:27.113



You can use Ctrl+Arrow to move among selected items. Ctrl+Space will select/deselect. (Space alone will select but not deselect.)

Michael Itzoe

Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 1 307

3That really felt like I'm a super user. Works in windows 8. – Gellie Ann – 2016-12-08T01:11:45.053


As far as I know there isn't a keyboard shortcut for Invert Selection in Windows Explorer, and unfortunately Select All doesn't toggle the selection.

So if you really want an all keyboard solution:

Ctrl + A, Alt + E, I

If you're used to Emacs multi-key bindings then this shouldn't bother you. :)

Darren Hall

Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 6 354

1Alt + E, I has no effect. At least, in Win7 Explorer. – ivan_pozdeev – 2018-02-28T13:02:16.220


I also found another quick solution: pressing F5 will refresh the folder and deselect single or multiple items.

Adam Neal

Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 643

4Did not deselect a single selection, but ctrl+space as suggested in another answer does work. – angularsen – 2012-10-05T12:23:11.590


Pulling from the other solutions here, the method that works every time is Ctrl+A then F5. You can sort of roll your hand up the keyboard to do this.

Even though it's an extra step over just Ctrl+Spacebar when deselecting one item or just F5 when more than one item is selected, the consistency and not having to think each time will save time in the long run, I think.

Note: If you are pressing F5, then it makes no difference whether you press CTRL-A first or don't. CTRL-A is Select All, F5 is Refresh. Therefore, if F5 is acceptable for the functionality you're looking for, there is no benefit to pressing CTRL-A prior.


Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 31


Alt + V and then R will also do the trick -- I guess the same as R, but is it one more way to do it.


Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 131


Here is one more possible answer. It is a combination of three keys.

Press the keyboard-right-click key. Press R (properties). Press Esc.

User warning: This should right click the item, go to properties, and exit the properties menu. Make sure this is what is happening, and that R isn't a key that ends up deleting your item or doing anything else.

Other than that, Ctrl + Space is the best answer I have seen here so far.

Harman Nieves

Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 5


I could not find any documentation on Microsoft's websites regarding Ctrl + Space for deselection of items. However, on an unrelated website,, there is documentation regarding WinSCP, a free SFTP/FTP/SCP client for Windows. It uses some shortcuts that are also applicable to the Windows OS, such as Ctrl + Space for file selection/deselect. However Ctrl + Space does work, as stated above.

Anyway, the only different answer so far I could offer is:

Press key Delete to delete your file, then press Ctrl + Z to bring it back. Now you have unselected it.

User warning: it may have unintended consequences. Such as if you have configured files for permanent deletion and may not be brought back easily, as is the case in some external hard disk drives. Use this answer with caution.

Harman Nieves

Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 5

2This is a bit treacherous, to say the least. On network drives, for instance, deletion is permanent! – Ben N – 2016-02-14T20:58:45.327


CTRL+A actually toggles selection, so doing it twice will do the thing.


Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 1

1This is contradicted by another answer which states the opposite- care to clarify? – bertieb – 2017-02-17T17:46:52.593

1A third-party app or plugin may give it this "feature", but no, in Windows Explorer, CTRL-A does NOT toggle a selection. Pressing it once selects all files, pressing it again while all files are already selected does nothing. Using it to select all and then holding CTRL and unselecting a few entries, and then using CTRL-A again returns the selection to All. – music2myear – 2017-02-17T18:27:39.697


CTRL+D Works fine in Windows 10.



Posted 2009-12-04T17:37:13.640

Reputation: 1

2Kindly edit your answer and explain not just use the Link – yass – 2017-03-29T10:51:49.513

1Although your answer is 100% correct, it might also become 100% useless if that link is moved, changed, merged into another one or the main site just disappears... :-( Therefore, please [edit] your answer, and copy the relevant steps from the link into your answer, thereby guaranteeing your answer for 100% of the lifetime of this site! ;-) You can always leave the link in at the bottom of your answer as a source for your material... – Donald Duck – 2017-03-29T11:57:23.793

2@donald Was this a joke? Ctrl-D deletes files in explorer. The link is for expression studio 2. – user5389726598465 – 2017-05-04T02:40:07.437

@user135711 No, it's not a joke. I got it from here. I also suggest you read the other answers on that page because they explain very well why you're not supposed to post link-only answers like this one.

– Donald Duck – 2017-05-04T12:11:12.693

@D I'm not talking about your comment I'm talking about the low quality answers. This one not only doesn't answer the question, it deletes files off the hard drive. – user5389726598465 – 2017-05-04T18:07:36.567

1The linked page is for Expression Studio 2, not for Explorer. In Explorer, this shortcut is Delete. – ivan_pozdeev – 2018-02-28T13:08:14.397