how to bring up keepassX window with keyboard shortcut?



Is there any way to bring up the keepassX window when the application is started but the window is hidden? I mean that the application is running but only the icon in the notification area is visible. Is there any way to do this? Is there any way to configure a shortcut?


Posted 2013-06-10T19:09:20.087

Reputation: 383

Which Desktop Environment are you using? Gnome? Unity? KDE? Xfce? Cinnamon? – terdon – 2013-06-10T19:33:50.863

Sorryfor delay: Unity and Mate – ardabro – 2013-06-23T20:27:32.263



Not strictly an answer for KeepassX and kind of a workaround...

I tend to use xdotool in those cases, it's great for window tinkering and automation.

You could do something like xdotool search --name keepassX windowactivate
Just make sure --name is the same as the window title.

And then make a keyboard shortcut to that command or put it in Keepass's launcher.


Posted 2013-06-10T19:09:20.087

Reputation: 3 001

Works for me: xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "DatabaseName - KeePassX" windowactivate (if the database was named) or xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "FileName.extension - KeePassX" windowactivate – mkczyk – 2018-09-20T08:18:52.417

What about toggle window (activate/minimize)?

– mkczyk – 2018-10-24T12:36:36.580

I think you have to write a script or use another tool for that. See my answer in your new question. – micke – 2018-10-24T16:44:35.847