There is an xfinitiwifi
hotspot near me.
Comcast users ("slaves"?) can connect to xfinitywifi
by entering their Comcast email and password on the browser redirect. Then it will record your MAC address and let you access later without the popup.
But the weird thing is, every time you login you get the IP address
. Even if you login with multiple devices. (Also documented here: http://forums.comcast.com/t5/Home-Networking-Router-WiFi/What-Prevents-Xfinity-WiFi-Hotspot-Spoofing/td-p/2113294 )
How is it possible to have an access point reuse the same IP address for each client?
These VLANs seems like the correct explanation. Actually I'm surprised this isn't the default for all "hotspot" style wifi installations. – William Entriken – 2014-04-28T13:41:54.673