How can I convert the old Microsoft word equations (version 3) to the new format?
I have an old document file full of equations, and an automatic conversion solution rather than re-typing all equations will be a huge time-saver!
I also tried GrindEq,but word crahes after conversion!
Edit 1: I'm using Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013 (64-bit) on Win 8.1
Edit 2: I also installed MathType. It supports lots of different formats to convert to, but I could not find Microsoft equation!
Duplicate : http://superuser.com/questions/357122/converting-ms-word-2003-equations-to-ms-word-2007
– Uncreative Name – 2014-08-10T18:35:31.843Not a solution, but a possible hack: try running a virtual machine with Vista and Office 2007, try using GrindEq in there, and save it to the new format, then load it back into Office '13 in Win 10. – user686699 – 2017-01-29T09:29:11.940
1GrindEq worked for me in a simple test (using Word 2007 on Win 7). Maybe you tried something too complicated, and maybe you could use it on your document if you split it to a few files and convert them, then handle any offending equations manually. – Jukka K. Korpela – 2013-12-22T11:58:05.043
I'm using Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013 on Win 8.1. I even tried it on simple equations, and it did not work. I think it is because of the outdated GrindEq software. According to their website "Works with Microsoft Word XP/2003/2007/2010 and Microsoft Windows XP/2003/Vista/7." – ManiAm – 2013-12-22T12:12:05.497
Can't you just save the old document in the new format, by first opening it in Word 2013 and Save As a Word Document – Firee – 2014-02-04T14:26:45.860
@Firee: By this, only the document will be converted into new version not the equations. – ManiAm – 2014-02-04T17:43:28.273
@ManiAm Did you finally get a solution to this from elsewhere? You might think of starting a bounty – Firee – 2014-03-03T11:57:43.360
When you make a copy of the document and remove all but the first equation does running GrindEq still cause a crash? Is it possible to identify a type of equation that it is having problems with? – Jason Aller – 2014-03-24T15:42:48.050