I overwrote my environment variable PATH



I've accidentally overwritten the environment variable PATH in Windows 8 (64 bit). How can I reset it? I'm scared to shut down the PC before fixing this problem.

Otherwise I might copy it from another PC that has the same OS (or Windows 8.1)?


Posted 2013-11-16T10:26:38.830

Reputation: 25



The orginal PATH is:


If you want to recover your previous PATH setting take a look at Deleted Path environment variable, how to restore? .


Posted 2013-11-16T10:26:38.830

Reputation: 14 097

How did you solve the problem? – Oliver Burdekin – 2015-02-10T18:15:56.967

So if i create a new varibile environmet with what you have written and name it Path I will not have problems to turn off my pc...? – FlamNight – 2013-11-16T11:17:46.710

1Oh! Great! i've solved the problem! :) Many thanks – FlamNight – 2013-11-16T12:01:01.863