Mounting SSH/SFTP shares on Windows 7



Possible Duplicate:
SFTP as a folder on Vista

I'm fairly unfamiliar with Windows, especially Windows 7, but using it for a school project; essentially I have a directory accessible through SSH that I would want to mount in Windows 7 the same way you would do it through sshfs in Linux or OS X, but I don't know of any FUSE port for Windows 7. Does anyone know any easy way to accomplish this in Windows 7?

(Just a regular SFTP client like FileZilla would work, but I'd prefer not to have to manually transfer the file(s) over for compilation every time I make a change, so something that mounts it as a local volume is preferred.)

Adrian Petrescu

Posted 2009-11-08T18:07:08.983

Reputation: 2 728

Question was closed 2009-11-09T08:56:17.313

1I don't think this question is a duplicate. The other question asks only about SFTP, this one asks about SSHFS. – Nick – 2012-04-24T16:33:09.463


This has been discussed here already:

– Snark – 2009-11-08T18:30:29.480



Take a look at Dokan SSHFS for Windows. Dokan SSHFS is a program that mounts remote file systems using SSH. You will need to install the MSVC 2005 redistributable and the Dokan library available on the SSHFS download page.

Another solution is to use MindTerm along with NetDrive (both have free home versions):

  1. Download and extract mindTerm
  2. Run mindterm.jar (double click it if you can, otherwise in command prompt type in java -jar mindterm.jar)
  3. Type in the host you want to ssh into followed by the username and password
  4. In the menu click on Plugins>FTP To SFTP Bridge…
  5. Type in for the Listen address
  6. Type in 21 for the Listen port
  7. Select the Remote system type
  8. Click Enable
  9. Click Dismiss
  10. Next we want to install NetDrive
  11. Once netdrive is installed, open it up, and click New Site on the bottom
  12. Type in localhost (or whatever you want to call it) for the Site name
  13. Type in localhost for the Site IP
  14. Type in 21 for the Port
  15. Select FTP for the Port
  16. Select a Drive letter
  17. Check Connect as anonymous
  18. Click Save
  19. Click Connect
  20. Click the X to close the window (will minimize to system tray)

There you have it! A SSH/SFTP connection as a drive in Windows. I have tested it in Windows Vista, however it should work just fine in Windows XP.


John T

Posted 2009-11-08T18:07:08.983

Reputation: 149 037

2Just for an updated reference Netdrive can mount a SFTP by selecting FTP as the server type and going into the advanced setting and change SSL to SFTP using SSH2. – codemonkee – 2013-02-17T04:40:42.713

Thanks for the reply John :) But do you happen to know anything about Dokan's Windows 7 compatibility? I'm a bit concerned about the fact that its last release was from way before Windows 7 was even released to manufacturing. Does anyone have any idea whether it still works?

Thanks! – Adrian Petrescu – 2009-11-08T18:15:29.730

Since 0.3.7 Vista 32 and x64 are supported ( ) so I assume Windows 7 should work. Added another solution in case.

– John T – 2009-11-08T18:17:39.040

Unfortunately the Dokan installer won't even run on Windows 7, it automatically complains that it's not a recognized version of Windows :( I may give the NetDrive thing a try though, thanks! – Adrian Petrescu – 2009-11-08T18:20:48.923

Just for curiosity sake, have you tried running it in Vista compatibility mode? – John T – 2009-11-08T18:34:59.673

Surprisingly, that worked like a charm :D (compatibility mode, that is)

Thanks a bunch, John! – Adrian Petrescu – 2009-11-08T18:55:08.230

Excellent! You're welcome :) – John T – 2009-11-08T18:56:11.317

Is it possible to set the remote folder, when using netdrive on its own. – madphp – 2013-06-20T14:49:54.337

Just an update you can run the installer as is now. It will work on Windows 7 just fine. – ddcruver – 2013-09-25T17:37:18.460

FYI: it runs in Windows 8 if you install it with compatibility mode – Kevin Evans – 2014-04-30T14:39:28.107