EventVwr.msc how to open automatically Application log


I wonder whether there is a possibility to run eventvwr.exe with some parameters and automatically open Application log. (When I run it without parameters it displays Event viewer tree, there I can go manually into Windows Logs and select Application, however I would like to create a shortcut which will be selecting Application log automatically).


Posted 2013-08-04T19:01:24.680

Reputation: 976



I know this is dated but I found this question when searching for a different problem. Long ago I found an easier way to do what you are asking, might be too late for you but maybe it helps someone else:

eventvwr.msc /c:Application


Posted 2013-08-04T19:01:24.680

Reputation: 51


I assume you just made mistake in your typing, but it should be eventvwr.msc not eventvwr.exe.

Here's what I would do:

Open eventvwr.msc and choose filter logs. Then create a filter to show what logs you want to see. Then export the xml file with the filter data to somewhere in your SYSTEM PATH variable (%PATH%). You should be able to call evtviewer.msc yourxmlfilename.xml and open.

This same result may be achievable also by using mmc.exe and building a custom snap-in, though I haven't tried doing that.


Posted 2013-08-04T19:01:24.680

Reputation: 685


The basics to view all the commands is go to Start / Run / type: cmd

At the DOS prompt type (without the quotes): eventvwr /?

Now you have a whole display of what you can play with for the eventvwr.msc command.


Posted 2013-08-04T19:01:24.680

Reputation: 1

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