What explains the garbled message "Start Wandows Ngrmadly" in text mode?



Start Wandows Ngrmadly http://imgur.com/M3sni

When booting up Windows, why would it say "Start Wandows Ngrmadly", instead of "Start Windows Normally"?

I tried googling for an explanation, but came across too many hits of people merely ROFLing at it.

Andrew Grimm

Posted 2013-06-30T01:24:10.207

Reputation: 2 230

Question was closed 2013-06-30T23:02:33.163

2LOL...looks like your computer's text display driver got confused. I really don't know what to say. – Andrew Sun – 2013-06-30T01:39:35.270

4FYI: From what I can tell, this isn't from the OP's own computer. The OP simply wants an explanation for this behavior. Because the OP is not experiencing this himself and can't take corrective measures directly, I have voted to close this question as "too broad". – bwDraco – 2013-06-30T03:12:23.093

2Since the OP isn't actually experiencing this, it is impossible to get a definite answer, so I think this might turn into a discussion. (Try search by image) – Alvin Wong – 2013-06-30T04:06:12.213

This is a great question. Perhaps it should be protected to prevent multiple answer s that say the same exact thing? – Ramhound – 2013-06-30T06:34:55.453

3You totally missed "Safe mode wath Fetwgrkifg" – Tobias Kienzler – 2013-06-30T09:48:19.100

http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/fr1a0/start_wandows_ngrmadly_pic/ – Der Hochstapler – 2013-06-30T23:01:05.377



This looks a lot like a memory issue (or at least a glitch, since it doesn't repeat everywhere), a bad video card (I remember having this problem once, turned out to be dying capacitors in the video card) or a corrupted file. What happens is that one of the bits in the character is getting toggled.

From an ASCII character table, we can see that i is character code 105 (1101001 in binary) while a is character code 97 (1100001 in binary). A difference of 8 (i.e. the 4rd least significant bit).

You can notice the same happens for other characters: d in ASCII is character code 100 and l in ASCII is character code 108.


Posted 2013-06-30T01:24:10.207

Reputation: 7 463

3In every fourth character, the 8 bit is 0. – tgies – 2016-01-19T15:35:09.803

4This could be a file corruption too, if the strings in the boot-loader got corrupted. I would run memtest and re-install windows, in that order. – Scott Chamberlain – 2013-06-30T02:15:24.377


Your graphics card is very likely to die soon. Its an old system and you need to replace either the graphics card or the system.

I've had a similar thing happen in the past, without further information, its just guesswork though.

enter image description here It happened in both the bios

And the windows XP installer

enter image description here

This happens with a specific family of Nvidia processors dating back to about 2007 that had a design flaw - they overheat and the BGA soldering between the processor and board cracks or otherwise gets damaged. This is just one of the possible failure modes, but it will eventually die in a terminal and rather total fashion. The system here was a desktop with a 8300 GS, but I've had a 8800 die. The inquirer reported that this was very common for laptops running G84 and G86 processors and to round it off, dell actually replaced many laptops for the same reason - there was even a class action law suit.

I'd probably check if the same thing happens everywhere where you have a pure text mode console - I found this symptom is massively consistant. This seems to be a laptop - a short term solution (to try at your own risk) is to force the laptop to overheat. The long term solution is to rework the graphics chip.

For a desktop, you can try baking the card ( try 8800 baking ) on google.

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2013-06-30T01:24:10.207

Reputation: 119 122

Alternatively, and with less chance of damaging capacitors/silicon chips/resistors, various other components if you have a heat gun, remove the board from the case, take 5 perfectly level stands, something soft like plastic or wood to lay it on, 4 corners 1 in middle, set the heat to max setting, with it 6-12 inches off the board move it around the board for 30 seconds to a min to prevent localised expansion, and then focus in on the processor for 15-20 seconds at about 3-4 inches, back off and let it cool, do not touch it whatever you do. – user88311 – 2013-06-30T03:32:15.123

4Personally, I consider the best option is to realise its gonna die, then get a new video card or laptop. – Journeyman Geek – 2013-06-30T03:33:06.120

+1 as I too have had an 8800GT in exactly the same way (while it was still under warranty, thank goodness). – user3490 – 2013-06-30T07:05:12.893

+1 I had a similar problem with my notebook showing green stripes in graphics mode once it got too warm. I followed this answer leading to Video Memory stress Test and indeed p$rt fa 1he Vid€o Memroy wsa borkne

– Tobias Kienzler – 2013-06-30T09:51:46.690

1This may be very naive but what does the graphics card have to do with the spelling of a word? What exactly are the missing steps in the argument "since the graphics card is messed up....we have garbled text on screen"? – Fixed Point – 2013-06-30T10:35:00.800

I'm not a hardware hacker, but I'd guess that these are seriously basic character rendering features at work, and its part of the video card's own features. Someone mentioned that it might be related to int 10h but thats kind of deep computer science. I DO know the problem went away when I switched over to the onboard card. I've since thrown out the card, since it was quite pointless to keep it, so running more tests is out of the question. I think my referenced answer covers most of the troubleshooting steps - I just tested every possible component.

– Journeyman Geek – 2013-06-30T10:43:47.463

4@FixedPoint In text mode, video memory simply contains the bytes indicating which character (letter, symbol etc.) to print at which position. If memory is corrupt, the wrong character will appear, making the words look misspelled. – Tobias Kienzler – 2013-06-30T14:49:45.633