Edit:I am running windows 7, 64 bits.
I have Telnet Client installed, and if I go to c:\windows\system32 i do find the file "telnet.exe"; if I click it, telnet runs perfectly.
However, if I type telnet in cmd prompt, it gives me the "command not recognized" message.
I think it's because c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe is actually running files from windows\sysWOW64 (which also has a cmd.exe), and so I tried copying telnet.exe to this folder; When I type telnet in the cmd line (regardless of which cmd.exe i use) I no longer get an error message, and instead get... well, nothing. It just sits there, like when awaiting input, but if I type something (e.g., "quit") it once again does nothing and awaits input.
Finally, I tried, in windows\sysWOW64, deleting telnet.exe, creating a telnet.lnk shortcut to telnet.exe in system32, and creating a telnet.bat file in windows\sysWOW64, that runs telnet.lnk. Now, if I double click telnet.bat, telnet start perfectly (in a system32\cmd.exe window); if I type telnet in cmd prompt (again, doesn't matter which) it runs telnet.bat whith no problems at all (checked this testing other commands), but returns "Acess denied" when opening Telnet.lnk.
-- telnet is installed and runs when double clicking
-- shortcuts to it work perfectly if double clicked
-- neither telnet nor shortcuts (nor files calling shortcuts) can be run from either cmd prompt.
And that is how far i've gone. So, yeah... Any ideas?
Does your PATH directory contain the System32 folder? If it does, is the path really really long with other stuff too? I personally have had problems where a too long path can cause problems.
– Scott Chamberlain – 2013-06-08T17:48:17.063Variable "Path" contains %SystemRoot%\System32, along with a few other directories, separated by ';'. (Example: %SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Ulead Systems\MPEG;etc.) Hope this helps. – Sampaio – 2013-06-08T19:03:51.700
which directory occurs in your path first? system32 or syswow64? the first element in PATH that contains an exe with the name you specify should be the instance executed. – Frank Thomas – 2013-06-08T19:41:30.750
From those two, the first would be system32, since syswow64 is not there at all. The absolute first is some "Windows Live" directory, with system32 being the second directory listed – Sampaio – 2013-06-08T19:56:53.197
1What does
where telnet.exe
say? I just enabled the Telnet Client under Windows Features. Telnet.exe, a 64-bit program, was duly added to Windows\System32. No 32-bit version was to be found in Windows\SysWOW64. Typingtelnet
at the cmd prompt worked perfectly as expected. Don't know what the problem is at your end. – Karan – 2013-06-08T22:59:27.997it gives me "INFO: not possible to locate files". In my computer, everything works fine, except the typing telnet at the cmd prompt. There is a telnet.exe in system32, and none in syswow64. However, I believe that when I type telnet in cmd prompt, the system goes looking for telnet.exe in syswow64, since it only finds it if I put it there (finds the file, but doesn't run telnet properly, though. Perhaps there are other files that need to be copied to the folder... ) – Sampaio – 2013-06-09T00:36:47.727