Log in with two accounts (e.g., in Gmail) in a single Firefox window


I have two Gmail accounts.

I'd like to log in to both of them at the same time in a single Firefox window.

How would I go about it?

I know one suggestion is IETab, but that fix has too much of a duct tape feel to it.

There are some other questions covering this, but not necessarily within the same Firefox window:


Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420

Reputation: 305



Gmail now supports using multiple accounts simultaneously on the same browser.

Ray Vega

Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420

Reputation: 652


Also, if you are just checking mail. You can use one gmail account to check the mail of another http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=21288


Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420

Reputation: 6 650

Very good point! – David Snabel-Caunt – 2009-10-20T23:18:07.827


Mashable has "5 Ways To Log Into Several Gmail Accounts At The Same Time":

  1. Multiple browsers
  2. Master account to which you forward all other accounts
  3. IE Tab (Windows only; basically an additional browser within one window)
  4. Gmail Manager
  5. Google Account Multi-Login (Greasemonkey script)

For Internet Explorer 8 users :

start Internet Explorer with -NOMERGE argument

iexplore.exe -nomerge

then each instance started will run in a isolated session environment so you can open another Gmail account or any other web service.


Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420


+1 for #5. Also, perhaps you might add multiple user profiles to that list. – Adam Ryan – 2009-10-21T03:02:53.103

+1 for multiple profiles, however he just does not want it. whenever i have the same need, though, i run arora browser. any lightweight browser would do. thunderbird would do. – Capi Etheriel – 2009-12-01T01:38:45.083


To my knowledge, this can't be done well and only works in IETab because the IE engine is embedded into a firefox tab.

One option is to install Prism, an official firefox extension and run one or both instances of GMail as an 'application'. This doesn't work in a single window but is a nice solution, and gives you a faster (no addons) window for your GMail to run in.

David Snabel-Caunt

Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420

Reputation: 163


As Revolter mentioned Google Account Multi-Login greasemonkey script can allow you to login into multiple accounts.


Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420

Reputation: 9 930

+1 for the link that was missing from Revolter's answer and even the article (s)he referred to. – Arjan – 2009-10-21T19:49:00.457


http://webmailnotifier.mozdev.org/ - it will check any number of different types of email accounts. You can open the relevant webmail page from a link in the plugin's menu, sidebar, icon.

CAD bloke

Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420

Reputation: 801


Use CookieSwap.

See a similar question here.


Posted 2009-10-20T22:54:48.420

Reputation: 5 006