I am upgrading my PC, but I'm sticking to my old HDD and gfx card. I would like to avoid reinstalling Win 8. Is this possible? Or, at least, is it possible to use Windows 8's refresh pc option?
UPDATE It worked like a charm. Windows acted as if it was the first boot and displayed the "Getting devices ready % " progress bar. I am not sure if this proves you can do it in every scenario, but my new gear is relatively modern (some gigabyte board with two PCIe 3.0 slots and USB 3.0 support + i5), so I guess we can agree the reinstall is unnecessary in most cases.
if your computer does not boot, just insert the windows installation disk and hit the "repair" option. you should be fine. or use sysprep – Gizmo – 2014-02-16T12:26:01.613
The proper way of migrating Windows to a dissimilar hardware is to image the system disk and then restore that image on the new hardware, injecting proper device drivers in the process. Acronis calls this Universal Restore. See the answer I posted below. If you are not using Acronis, then you need to find another backup and restore solution that a) offers a bootable version of the program, b) allows you to inject drivers during the restore process. – Samir – 2014-02-16T13:02:48.710