I have got a laptop which is configured to have the user profile in a network drive. This is causing me a lot of headaches since the connectivity to my company is very slow. I want to relocate the profile of my user into a local directory. How do I do that?
Those are the settings at the moment:
C:\>set HOME
The drive P is a network drive mapped to HOMESHARE.
I can't find where windows is setting those environment variables, not even in the registry.
The laptop is running Windows XP.
3No that's the beauty of an ecosystem that makes it easy for power-tripping monkeys to play God with no care or concern for how it impacts productivity. – nathanchere – 2015-04-01T14:09:46.227
2No it's the ability to manage hundreds of computers efficiently without users wrecking everything and is one reason why you don't see Linux or Mac desktops everywhere. Not everyone is a power user in the real world of businesses. We're not talking about coding shops. – Alan B – 2018-02-01T12:30:25.257
3That's the beauty of Windows. Even if you are root somebody else decides what your OS will do. – Luigi R. Viggiano – 2011-02-17T22:11:55.083
9No that's the beauty of having a job where they supply and control the computers. OR it's the beauty of being able to unify and centrally manage a network full of company computers that users keep trying to hack at because they think it's their's. Windows has nothing to do with your boss deciding how you use company resources (notebook, network, etc.). ;) – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2011-02-17T22:31:16.480