Is there a DOS prompt (cmd.exe from Win7) command to eject a thumb drive?


Possible Duplicate:
Remove USB device from command line

Win7 laptop is in recovery mode where only DOS prompt is available for issuing commands. Is there a cmd.exe command that does the same as this to eject a thumb drive? enter image description here


Posted 2012-10-11T20:40:16.503

Reputation: 1 075

Question was closed 2012-10-11T21:20:59.633

2Nitpicking. Replace "DOS prompt" with "cmd.exe, or any other shell on a black background, but not DOS". – Hennes – 2012-10-11T20:51:33.357


@zundarz: See latter half of my answer here and let me know if it helped.

– Karan – 2012-10-12T01:19:23.307



Not from recovery mode, but as long as there are no active I/O processes, you should be fine to just pull it.

unless you're livebooting, then NEVER PULL IT unless told to by the live OS.

Jared Tritsch

Posted 2012-10-11T20:40:16.503

Reputation: 3 030


There should be a way to do this in the Recovery Console as well. @zundarz: See my answer in the linked thread (obviously couldn't post here due to the thread closure, which like Jared I tried asking about in chat but the mods were apparently too busy or asleep to reply).

– Karan – 2012-10-12T01:17:50.063