Converting FLV to MP4 Using FFMPEG and Preserving the Quality



Im trying to use ffmpeg to convert my flv files to mp4 to play them on iOS devices but the converted video has a much worse quality than the original one.

Here is the command i use:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -ar 22050 output.mp4

I would really appreciate if someone could provide me with the best settings for flv to mp4 conversion.


Posted 2011-03-07T18:08:06.523




Depending on the codecs used in your FLV you may be able to get away with simply re-wrapping it in an mp4 container. You'll need H.264 or MPEG4 simple profile video and AAC audio. You can find out some info on your source file with ffmpeg -i input.flv

I'm not sure whether simply having H.264/MPEG4 Simple + AAC is good enough or if there are specific options to the codecs that are supported. It's easy enough to test:

Try using

ffmpeg -i input.flv -c copy -copyts output.mp4

-copyts is copy timestamps it will help audio sync.

If that doesn't work, try forcing audio and video codecs. This will re-encode the file:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -c:a aac -b:a 160k output.mp4

To improve the video quality, you can use a lower CRF value, e.g. anything down to 18. To get a smaller file, use a higher CRF, but note that this will degrade quality.

To inprove the audio quality, choose a higher bitrate (160k in the example above).

more info on FFMPEG aac encoding (I've been referring to the "native" encoder described on the ffmpeg site).

Here are a couple thoughts on the ffmpeg command suggested in the question.

-ar refers to the audio sample rate. I would recommend not messing with this until you understand things better. If you want to play with audio encoding, adjust the bitrate (e.g., -b:a 160k) and let the encoder choose what to do based on that.

If you do end up going down this road...

CD quality is 44100Hz sampling; typical video uses 48000Hz.

You may note that 22050 in the original question's example is 1/2 the cd quality sample rate. if you're downconverting CD material this is a good choice. If you're starting with 48KHz source (which you probably are; again, this is much more common than 44100 in video files) i'd use 24Khz instead. It probably won't matter much, but it may sound a little better and use a little less CPU to do the conversion.

Dan Pritts

Posted 2011-03-07T18:08:06.523

Reputation: 900


Regarding the command forcing audio/video codecs: As of September 2019, I found that ffmpeg discontinued support for libaac. This question suggests either using ffmpeg's native AAC encoder via -c:a aac or the Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec via -c:a libfdk_aac (which require compiling ffmpeg with support for libfdk_aac).

– aresnick – 2019-09-22T18:15:37.620

Updated the answer to use the native aac encoder. – Dan Pritts – 2020-02-15T21:08:41.500

re-reading my answer...

In addition to the command line I gave above, you could copy only video or only audio, and re-encode the other.

for example...

"ffmpeg -i -vcodec copy -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -copyts output.mp4"

this will copy the video stream and re-encode the audio into AAC. libfaac doesn't have great quality but it works. – Dan Pritts – 2012-03-07T22:15:59.160