What video players out there exists that have frame by frame playback feature ?
What video players out there exists that have frame by frame playback feature ?
You can step backwards according to this feature request. Not a clue how, have asked on the thread though.
– Louis Maddox – 2015-03-23T17:40:50.8671How do you even know it's stepping forward? I have tried clicking pause and pushing DOT 100 times and the time still shows the same number of seconds Similarly clicking play..frame step – barlop – 2016-10-09T22:27:40.107
4SMPlayer can do forward and BACKWARD. Ensure that under Option -> Settings the option mpv is selected under Multimediamodule. Than use "." (dot) for Step Frame Forward and use "," (comma) for Step Backward. – musbach – 2017-08-31T07:47:19.193
Works great with 100 fps AVI file for single frame navigation. The thing I was looking for! – ishahak – 2020-01-14T07:26:49.533
of all the Linux players I have tried, this also does the best at playing back 1080p+ videos at high speed (e.g. > 4x) – Michael – 2020-02-23T04:40:52.543
6It's lame that it allows only frame step "forward" and not back. – darda – 2012-08-09T00:13:42.033
That feature is available in the "base" mplayer, too. But it sucks. I'd suggest to use a NLE program like virtualdub or kdenlive. – dom0 – 2013-07-30T16:08:30.343
Media Player Classic (Home Cinema) Sourceforge
@alex not working for me http://superuser.com/questions/1133127/how-can-i-go-forward-and-back-frame-by-frame-in-media-player-classic-left-and
– barlop – 2016-10-09T22:28:29.4732try CTRL + LEFT
– Bernhard Döbler – 2019-09-26T13:20:07.053
1To access that function, all you need to do is pause the video and press the left and right arrow to go back and forth by one frame. – alex – 2009-09-23T21:06:08.320
I've landed on this page quite often when trying to watch video clips frame by frame. Having tried many of the suggestions, I'm still frustrated with the lack of availability or ease of use of such a feature, which I find indispensable in an analytic environment (I'm not trying to go frame by frame on Leia's slave costume).
Today having tried VLC only to discover it has a frame by frame forward but not backward, and subsequently landed on the VLC forums where many users ask for the feature, I learned something. It is apparently not an easy thing to do for certain codecs (as far as I can tell, the ones designed for streaming, or "multi-frame" compressions). For example, ImageJ will save AVI files which are evidently a sequence of JPEG images more or less concatenated into a single file. So here frame by frame is easy---the "codec" is "frame based". Take an MPEG movie, where if, on frame 512, the top left corner has not changed since frame 265, video players are unable to go backwards and render the image correctly for frame 511 without theoretically loading some unknown number of previous frames to build a "history" of the image.
Needless to say I do not believe any manipulation of data is impossible with a computer and certainly if these video players can render to the screen they could keep a buffer in RAM with a history of rendered frames to at least allow some amount of frame by frame, but this is not feasible for an entire HD movie and thus, at least in VLC's case, they don't see the point of implementing it for clips of some maximum duration.
2There's a plugin for that! – Louis Maddox – 2015-03-23T17:26:04.910
Quick time can do it.
Hold down K and tap J or L – allows you to scrub the video in slow motion, viewing in either rewind or forward frame by frame
2Or pause with space bar and use left-right arrow keys. But of course, QT is Mac/Windows only. The question doesn't specify the OS, but if it is for Linux there seems to be no player with the ability to go back frame by frame. I have to use a WinXP VM with QT for that. – mivk – 2013-11-30T13:17:53.277
I use Zoom Player. Control frame-by-frame playback using the mouse scroll wheel. both ways.
Downloaded 2012-08-08. I found the mouse wheel zooms by default. The frame-by-frame seems unreliable for an AVI created in MATLAB; the player acknowledges "next frame" and "previous frame" but the image does not always change. Perhaps compression really trips up these players which are aiming for a huge feature set. – darda – 2012-08-09T00:22:04.253
The KMPlayer will do this.
Space to pause and then f to advance frame (Shift+f to step back).
ImageJ can load some videos as a stack which makes frame-by-frame easy in either direction. http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/
It's significantly limited as far as codecs.
mplayer will can do this. You can press .
to go to the next frame
I can't submit my own answer since this is closed, but I just found PotPlayer.
– leetNightshade – 2014-12-10T20:18:50.317D
is previous frame,F
is next frame.1
Also the command line MLT
– sdaau – 2015-02-23T17:49:53.493melt
can function as a player, and has "h = previous frame, l = next frame"8This was a very constructive topic for me. Perhaps not in your opinion. – P a u l – 2015-08-04T18:16:18.400
1http://askubuntu.com/questions/468457/how-can-i-scrub-through-a-video-for-saving-screengrabs-frame-by-frame – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心法轮功六四事件 – 2016-04-01T12:22:58.167
it's a very rudimentary "player" (man page: "mostly used as a testbed for various ffmpeg APIs"), but also
ffplay {video}
and presss
to advance frame-by-frame – michael – 2017-11-13T05:17:02.3131
"We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise..."
The answers to this question are, in fact, straightforward facts: either a software has this feature or it does not. It's black and white. How exactly will this question lead to arguments or debates? – StormRyder – 2017-12-26T03:43:30.7901As an author of the post, I must say, I cannot understand why this was closed as non-constructive. It is a simple, straightforward question - as StormRyder says, a player either has this feature or it does not. Please, can somebody elaborate? – Rook – 2017-12-27T10:27:33.227
1As @leetNightshade pointed out, PotPlayer does frame-by-frame forward and backward very well. The bonus is it is still actively in development as of 2019 and they have kept the UI pretty minimal (and slick imo!). – Shadoninja – 2019-02-10T23:48:03.980
@sdaau but yet apparently has no "pause" key (have to single step to pause), and seems to intermittently crash on startup with X error "BadWindow" on opcode X_GetWindowAttributes. – Michael – 2020-02-23T04:42:23.663