Is there an AutoHotKey for Ubuntu?



I would like to simulate keyboard combinations.

I am able to do this on Windows with AutoHotKey.

Is there an equivalent app for Ubuntu?


Posted 2009-09-20T06:38:19.337

Reputation: 789

1to answer this question correctly: what is the DE (desktop environment, aka 'kde', 'gnome', 'xfce' etc) you are using? if you answer that, one would check out how to bind keys to certain actions. – akira – 2009-09-20T06:54:12.237

2I think it's safe to say that Ubuntu implies gnome unless otherwise noted. – itsadok – 2009-10-06T06:20:55.100

I'm using Gnome. – lipton – 2009-10-29T20:40:11.310



The links in nik's answer are a bit old but still pretty useful, although there have been quite a few advancements since then. There is IronAHK currently available which is a complete rewrite of AutoHotkey which works under .NET as well as Mono, allowing it to have cross-platform compatibility. It's also free and fully open source.

John T

Posted 2009-09-20T06:38:19.337

Reputation: 149 037

1Very promising, but the project doesn't seem to have made any releases yet. I don't see any option other than to fetch and compile the source yourself. Has anyone used it? – None – 2009-09-24T22:51:13.760


Brainstorm Ubuntu: Idea #588: AutoHotkey for Ubuntu (automation, hotkeys) has some notes.
You may also want to look at AutoKey - the (totally rewritten) text expansion and hotkey utility.

Finally, this older Idea #163: Sytem-wide shortcut configuration refers many discussions on the subject. Like akira comments, your desktop environment may already support easy key bindings.


Posted 2009-09-20T06:38:19.337

Reputation: 50 788


I believe you should be able to do this with xbindkeys+xvkbd. That is, install xbindkeys, xbindkeys-config, xvkbd. Configure xbindkeys to call xvkbd on Windows keys, i.e. in ~/.xbindkeysrc, add:

"sleep 0.2 && /usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\A\t""
"sleep 0.2 && /usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\A\t""

If this works, add xbindkeys to System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs and maybe disable default assignments in ~/.xbindkeysrc


Posted 2009-09-20T06:38:19.337

Reputation: 1 397


there is a port in progress ahklinux


Posted 2009-09-20T06:38:19.337

Reputation: 343


Landed here earlier while searching for one myself.

There is now a opensource & cross platform alternative.
Robotjs handles mouse, keyboard, and screen(pixels) inputs with js code.

Example from the website:

// Type "Hello World" then press enter.
var robot = require("robotjs");

// Type "Hello World".
robot.typeString("Hello World");

// Press enter.


Posted 2009-09-20T06:38:19.337

Reputation: 1

1From FAQ: Q: Why is <insert key> missing from the keyboard functions? A: We’ve been implementing keys as we need them. Feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request! Well, that's... peculiar. – Dragomok – 2017-06-17T19:07:10.037