How to customise the Recommended Programs list when choosing what to open a file with?



How can I change what applications are listed in the Recommended Programs list below? I checked the various options in Control Panel > Default Programs, but none appear to allow me to affect this specific list.

I'm asking because the recommended programs appear in the Open With... context menu in Windows Explorer and it's getting pretty long (and in this case, contains completely random items like Steam. Why would I want to open a .png file in Steam?!)

Open With dialog


Posted 2010-09-03T20:44:04.277

Reputation: 141



Sandeep Bansal

Posted 2010-09-03T20:44:04.277

Reputation: 6 168

Oof, registry editing? In 6 different places? I guess technically it solves my problem, but surely someone's made a program or something that GUIs this up for me? – Rahul – 2010-09-04T13:30:19.110

I'll add this to the list of software to develop :) But atm just take your time on the registry, it's not soo bad – Sandeep Bansal – 2010-09-05T02:16:00.360

I took all the steps and all programs were removed from this list except for Java(TM) Web Start Launcher which was the application I wanted to remove. Is there any possibility to also remove this one? When I just reassign javaws.exe it seems that the old (non-working) entry is used. – Michael S. – 2012-04-24T12:43:10.730

I solved it, uninstalling Java and rebooting removes also this entry. – Michael S. – 2012-04-24T13:02:28.493


The steps described in in this Microsoft knowledge base article may help.

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

The programs on the Open With list for each file type are independent of that file's registered program(s). To remove items from this list, locate the following registry key within regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\FileExts\.extension\OpenWithList

where extension is the file extension for the file type whose Open With list you want to modify. Delete the value in this key that represents the program to be removed from the Open With list.

NOTE: The above registry key is one path, it has been wrapped for readability.

Michael S.

Posted 2010-09-03T20:44:04.277

Reputation: 3 128


You can use Default Programs Editor to customize the 'Open with...' list.

Open the app, and go to File Type Settings, then click this link:

Change Open With Programs

Select the file extension you're trying to change, .png in this case, then click next:

Add or remove Open With programs

From that screen you can add/remove what shows up on that file type's 'Open with...' list.

Factor Mystic

Posted 2010-09-03T20:44:04.277

Reputation: 11 212

This looks like Windows 7, not Windows Vista? – Rahul – 2012-04-24T15:21:11.413