How to use UUID for Physical Drives When Bypassing Host: VMWare Workstation on Win7


I have a Linux guest on a Win7 VMWare Workstation host. I route physical drives from the host directly into the VM. I've noticed in the vmdk for these disks that the mapping in the vmdk to a physical drive is done by drive identity (i.e., a number from 0-6). This number matches what you see in disk manager on the host.

I would like to not use drive number, and instead use the ID for the drive (UUID), so that if the ordering of the drives changes, the correct mapping is maintained.

The motivation for this type of solution comes from the problem stated in this post: SATA drive order get scrambled on reboot; Windows 7 / Asus P5Q MB

Is there a way to edit this section of he vmdk file in order for this to happen?

# Extent description
RW 1953525168 FLAT "\\.\PhysicalDrive2" 0

I would like to change PhysicalDrive2 to PhysicalDrive{UUID}, or something VMWare Workstation interprets to mean this.

EDIT: Also posted the question on VMWare Communities:

Clayton Stanley

Posted 2012-02-11T05:57:53.983

Reputation: 343

THose names are decide by Microsoft... (It is the Windows equivalent to Linux's /dev/sda)... It might be that VMware provides a different way to address the disk than by its device file, or that Windows have some aliases for them which is less likely to change... – Gert van den Berg – 2013-01-09T05:34:17.463

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