I used the following command to create a tunnel from my system to server1 and from server1 to server2 to have a tunnel from my system to server2
ssh -t -t -L4450:localhost:5590 user1@server1 'ssh -L 5590:localhost:2000 user@server2'
But I get the following messages when I try to browse the web in my browser:
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
channel 4: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
Is there anything wrong with the command?
My goal is to access internet via server2(SOCKS Proxy). Because of some limits, I have to use a interface server(server1) to create a tunnel to server2.
1One thing that could be wrong is that
isn't the option normally used when one wants to "browse the web" over SSH, it is for establishing tunnels to a single explicit destination. What kind of program do you have running onserver2
on port 2000? – user1686 – 2011-12-09T07:58:26.023@grawity I find this command by searching in google. I changed 2000 to 80. With 80, it doesn't show the message anymore, but I still cant browse the web. Firefox shows "Connecting to example.com" and then says "Unable to connect" – hpn – 2011-12-09T08:04:48.003
Could you explain a bit more in your post -- for example, what were you trying to achieve in the first place? Browse the entire web via 'server2', or to access a single specific service? – user1686 – 2011-12-09T08:10:16.517
@grawity I edited the post – hpn – 2011-12-09T08:45:14.567
Does server2 already have a SOCKS proxy running, or are you trying to create one using the tunnel? – user1686 – 2011-12-09T09:13:58.420
@grawity I'm trying to create one using the tunnel – hpn – 2011-12-09T09:41:58.870
let us continue this discussion in chat
– hpn – 2011-12-09T09:54:54.900