Ubuntu 11.04 VM shows a black screen in VMware Player


I have a Ubuntu Server 11.04 64 bit VM running on VMware Player 3.1.4 that only shows a black screen. No matter what I try, the screen remains black. The VM has worked the first time.

When I reset the machine, it shows the VMware loader and a flickering _ for about a second. Then the screen turns black again.

VM settings:

Memory: 512MB
Processors: 1
HD: 20GB
CD: auto detect
Floppy: auto detect
Network adapter: NAT
USB controller: present
soundcard: auto detect
printer: present
display: auto detect

I just created a fresh VM and the same happens, so it seems that the problem is consistent.

Roel Veldhuizen

Posted 2011-09-26T08:40:56.130

Reputation: 161

Is this a fresh installation? Has it worked before? What are your virtual machine settings? Is anything mounted in the virtual disk drive? It'll be good to have more details. – Jin – 2011-09-26T09:15:31.980

I tried ubuntu desktop, that seems to work sofar? – Roel Veldhuizen – 2011-09-27T13:11:09.033



I doubt it might work. You may wish to have a look here:


Larry Morries

Posted 2011-09-26T08:40:56.130

Reputation: 518


I've seen a similar behaviour when you suspend the host OS while running a VM and later awaken it. I know it sounds silly, but have you tried rebooting your PC?


Posted 2011-09-26T08:40:56.130

Reputation: 1 962


This type of behavior can occur if you install a 64 bit OS VM into a host environment that can only support 32 bit architecture VMs. Double check you VM/host environments. You can test this by installing (known good) 32 bit version of the same distro.

Ben Plont

Posted 2011-09-26T08:40:56.130

Reputation: 410


Just corrected this problem with Debian 7.5 and enabling hardware acceleration in VMWare Player machine settings.


Posted 2011-09-26T08:40:56.130

Reputation: 99