Best way to transfer files over a LAN between two Linux computers



I want to transfer files (a music folder) between two Linux computers. After searching for the best way to do this, I've seen that there are lots of ways of doing this. I know this has been asked a lot, everywhere and all the time. The main problem with this is that there is no clear, recent consensus on one best way to do this task in 2011 for Linux beginners (even depending on some parameters).

So in the spirit of the Stack Exchange websites, I want this not to be related to my particular situation, but more of a guide to others as well on how to transfer files between two Linux computers over a local network. I think a wiki would be useful for many.

Here's what I found so far:

  • ssh
  • sshfs
  • scp
  • sftp
  • nfs
  • samba
  • giver

What is the easiest? Most flexible? Simplest? Best solution? What are the pros and cons of each? Are there other (better) options? What are the parameters in choosing the best method (solution might depend on number of files, filesize, easiness vs. flexibility, ...)?


Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

Reputation: 1 098

2Could anyone explain where rsync comes to play in all of this? – Konerak – 2011-08-22T08:39:48.883

jonallard, please don't add the answers to the question (doesn't really make sense to do this, does it?) -- if you feel some answers need additional info, you can suggest edits on them, or create your own answer which summarizes everything! – slhck – 2011-08-22T10:19:19.483



In a Linux environment, for both security and ease of use, ssh is the best way to go. SSH, SSHFS, SCP, and SFTP as you list are all just different services built on top of the SSH protocol. SCP is very easy to use, it works just like CP but you can provide user and machine names in the path. So, we might do a CP like cp ~/music/ ~/newmusic/, but we could just as easily do scp ~/music/ user@host:~/newmusic to send it to the computer named host. That's it - we don't need to set anything up. You'll be prompted for the account password on the other machine if you don't have certificate or some other authentication set up (scp shares those settings with ssh, of course).

SFTP is a tool that makes it easy to do a lot of operations on a remote file system - it works just like FTP, but it runs through SSH so it's secure and requires only an SSH server. man sftp will tell you all about how to use it. I don't use SFTP just to move a folder between two machines, it's more useful when you have a lot of operations to do, like if you're rearranging files on another computer.

SSHFS just extends SFTP in to a file system: it allows you to mount a virtual host in to your file system, so the network stuff happens totally transparently. SSHFS is for semi-permanent setups, not just a one-time file transfer. It takes some more effort to get set up, which you can read about on the project website.

If you need to work in a mixed-OS environment, Samba becomes your next best bet. Windows and OS X support Samba completely automatically, and Linux does as well although it's sometimes rough to use.


Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

Reputation: 15 203

3Exactly the kind of answer I was wishing for: complete, exhaustive, detailed, to the point. – jonallard – 2011-08-22T05:12:36.637

2One thing though, for scp to work, do we need to set up some kind of ssh server, listener or unblock something on the other side? I'm getting "Connection refused" errors. – jonallard – 2011-08-22T05:28:05.287

2scp uses ssh, so it will work if SSH works. This means, of course, that you need to have an SSH server running (default in every linux distro I'm aware of) and a connection must be possible (firewalls, NAT, etc must have the appropriate exceptions). – jcrawfordor – 2011-08-22T05:42:08.007

8Apparently openssh-server has to be installed in Ubuntu Natty. – jonallard – 2011-08-22T05:51:30.147

3Note that ssh uses encryption, which will cause some additional overhead. If the computers involved have fairly slow CPUs, this might make a difference. In that case netcat or similar (see Caspar's answer) might be preferrable. Of course only if you don't actually need encryption (in a protected LAN). – sleske – 2011-08-22T07:25:12.847


Protip: if you set up SSH connection sharing, tab-completion will work for files on the remote host when using SCP. True computer magic!

– jcrawfordor – 2011-08-22T07:29:59.240

most linux distros have a package called openssh-server (like jonallard said, but its not only for ubuntu) and filezilla will work fine if you want a gui tool just connect on port 22 or use sftp:// – HTDutchy – 2011-08-22T14:36:16.413


My personal favorite for cases where security doesn't matter is netcat + tar:

To send a directory, cd to inside the directory whose contents you want to send on the computer doing the sending and do:

tar -cz . | nc -q 10 -l -p 45454

On the computer receiving the contents, cd to where you want the contents to appear and do:

nc -w 10 $REMOTE_HOST 45454 | tar -xz

Replace $REMOTE_HOST with ip / hostname of computer doing the sending. You can also use a different port instead of 45454.

What's actually happening here is that the 'receiving' computer is connecting to the sending computer on port 45454 and receiving the tar'd and gzip'd contents of the directory, and is passing that directly to tar (and gzip) to extract it into the current directory.

Quick example (using localhost as a remote host)

Computer 1

caspar@jumpy:~/nctest/a/mydir$ ls
file_a.txt  file_b.log
caspar@jumpy:~/nctest/a/mydir$ tar -cz . | nc -q 10 -l -p 45454

Computer 2

caspar@jumpy:~/nctest/b$ ls
caspar@jumpy:~/nctest/b$ nc -w 10 localhost 45454 | tar -xz
caspar@jumpy:~/nctest/b$ ls
file_a.txt  file_b.log


Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

Reputation: 983

1The current nc man says about the -l option: "It is an error to use this option in conjunction with the -p, -s, or -z options", but strangely it doesn't throw an error when using it. I think using 'nc -l 45454' should work just as well. – Claudiu – 2014-09-25T07:58:21.507

I like this solution because it doesn't require you to install and configure any form of file server. Just issue a command and ready to go. Also it's the fastest, only limited by the network connection. – Calmarius – 2016-12-23T09:31:23.147

since ssh is almost universally available, I don't know why anyone would prefer this netcat method. Time saved for extra compression of a big file is probably lost in researching the syntax or the extra keystrokes! – Jack Wasey – 2018-07-19T13:51:13.397

@JackWasey - one can have two systems in a LAN without ssh set up. – adamczi – 2018-09-05T16:23:19.190

@adamczi true. Is netcat more likely to be available than ssh? I guess ssh does need a server process, but usually this is available with zero or minimal config on default linux installations I'm familiar with. – Jack Wasey – 2018-09-05T19:56:27.300

@JackWasey true, I meant netcat is preinstalled on Ubuntu and to run ssh server you need to install eg. openssh-server package (what is of course not demanding, but is leaves you with a thing you must remember about security-wise) – adamczi – 2018-09-05T21:10:28.373

kinda reminds me of sendnet and recnet from Novel's ipx services of the olden days... – sum1stolemyname – 2011-08-22T12:33:01.473

4>netcat + bzip2 may be a little faster on slow connections ## Sending server # cat file.txt | bzip2 -c | nc -l 1234 ## Receiving server # nc $sending_ip 1234 | bzip2 -cd > file.txt< – shantanuo – 2011-08-24T03:20:29.237

@Caspar: How about editing this answer to suggest bzip2 or lzma compression? – einpoklum – 2013-11-23T18:59:13.047

4the -q option indicates that you are using openbsd-netcat, while gnu-netcat is also quite common (default in Arch Linux). Could you extend your answer to include the syntax of gnu-netcat? – Sebastian – 2014-01-06T20:48:35.647


For one time moves, scp is recommended.

But if you find that this dir may work and you need to move it many times to keep the other position updated then you can use rsync (with ssh).

Since rsync has a lot of arguments I usually put it in a small shell so I get it right (every time). The idea is to only send things that has changed since the last time it ran.



echo "Sync: /home/media/music/"
rsync --archive --delete -v --progress -e "ssh -l $user " /home/media/music/ $host:/home/media/music/

This will move a dir called "/home/media/music/" from the local computer to the the pc called, using user "nisse". And delete anything on the target that doesn't exist on the local pc.


Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

Reputation: 4 827

This seems very promising (and easily reuseable) but I've got dirs and files with spaces and I'm getting rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1348) [sender=3.1.1] -- any suggestions? – Torben Gundtofte-Bruun – 2015-08-22T21:54:02.333


  • for rsync, which seems a tad faster and is very nice if you have to sync the directory later on
  • < – Wiesław Herr – 2011-08-23T14:55:06.310


    I would recommend you trying alternatives instead going straight with SSH for moving files inside your own LAN as the overhead is IMMENSE. I would go with Caspar's solution if this one for whatever reason won't work for you:

    At the source:

    $ python3 -m http.server {PICK_YOUR_PORT}

    On destination:

    $ wget -r {ip / hostname}:{port}/{File / Directory}

    This won't only be lighter than using SSH but far faster with speeds ranging 45~65MiB on standard CAT6 UTP.
    If you really want to squeeze the most out of the connection try replacing wget with lftp and using pget -n20 and mirror -r commands.


    Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

    Reputation: 311


    The fastest is probably netcat (as caspar described).

    I like the combination of tar & ssh, which is secure and still fast:

    On the source

    tar -cf - . | ( ssh user@target && cd /target/path && tar -xf - )

    Doing that as root, it preserves file permissions. Or use -p on both sides. Also -S might be considered if you have sparse files.

    It's possible to reduce the encryption overhead of ssh if you use arcfour as cipher which works with openSSH:

    tar -cpSf - . | ( ssh -c arcfour user@targethost && cd /target/path && tar -xpSf - )

    To update the remote path, rsync is perfect:

    rsync -av --sparse --delete -e "ssh -c arcfour" . root@targethost:/target/path

    Tim Haegele

    Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

    Reputation: 247

    1FWIW, I recently did a transfer test between two directly connected modern laptops using rsync both with the arcfour option and no specific -e argument. I noticed no difference in speeds. – Randy Syring – 2017-12-24T16:15:14.490


    If it absolutely has to be done over the LAN, I'd use rsync, as it will pick up where it left off if it gets interrupted. It also has a few other tricks for minimizing the amount of data that gets transferred, although I doubt that many/any of them would be relevant to the case of copying a music library to a virgin location. If security is a concern, just set RSYNC_RSH=ssh first and the data will be tunneled over ssh.

    If I were actually doing it, though, I probably wouldn't use the LAN at all. I'd copy the files onto, then off of, a USB hard drive. In my experience, this can easily be multiple orders of magnitude faster than going over the LAN, despite having to copy the files twice - USB 2.0 is rated for 480Mbps, which is faster than anything short of gigabit ethernet, plus it's less sensitive to conditions which will degrade the performance of a LAN. It's also completely OS-independent, provided you use a file system that all involved machines can handle - I'd recommend VFAT/FAT32, since that's pretty much universal.

    Dave Sherohman

    Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

    Reputation: 5 143

    1I'm a fan of the (so-called) sneakernet as well, but it's worth pointing out that while USB 2 is supposed to be able to get 480Mbps, I've only ever seen it get 30MB/s (about 240Mbps).. maybe I just have cheap USB<->SATA hardware ;) Also, FAT32 is pretty much universal but is a no-go for copying things like DVD images due to the 4gb filesize constraint; it's worth pointing out so people don't get too frustrated by the "out of space" error message which Windows (at least) gives. – Caspar – 2011-08-23T00:55:57.707

    @Caspar: Good caveats! Thanks for mentioning them; I always forget about the FAT32 file size limit... – Dave Sherohman – 2011-08-23T09:09:50.180


    I would suggest rsync as it will copy files incrementally. You can set it up to copy either only modified or new files only once you have done the initial update. You can use ssh as a transport layer if you wish.

    Sardathrion - against SE abuse

    Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

    Reputation: 390


    I use Unison, which is an awesome file synchronizer over many different protocols. You can configure it to use scp, rcp, ftp or even locally on the filesystem between two folders. I use it to synchronize my music library, as it can transfer multiple files at once over the network and is really tuneable in its configuration. I keep my music collection backed up and in sync over 2-3 computers. It will only copy changed files, and does so by keeping an index on both ends of the transfer so as to be able to tell when a client has changed the file or when the server file has changed.

    Your mileage may vary, but it's certainly a lot better than scping your entire music collection every time you add a new song :)

    Naftuli Kay

    Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

    Reputation: 8 389


    I followed ssh process for passwordless login first

    For scripts and text files the following works for me just fine

    To transfer data from local host to remote host. cat localfile | ssh <user>@<ip> "cat > <path>/<remotefile>"

    To transfer data from remote host to local host. ssh <user>@<ip> "cat > <path>/<remotefile>" | cat > localfile

    This works for me to transfer files on embedded systems that don't have ssh client or scp built in.

    No scp - only ssh.


    Posted 2011-08-22T04:12:04.787

    Reputation: 226