I know that WinKey+M and Winkey+D will essentially minimize all windows and show me my desktop. However, I have been unable to locate a similar shortcut key that either maximizes or restores all windows. Is there a pre-existing way to do this in Windows 7? I'd rather not mess with the BiOS if I don't have to.
Looks like this only maximizes one window from each process, right? – ruffin – 2018-06-27T19:42:23.620
Yes it would only maximize the main window associated with that process. – EBGreen – 2018-06-28T02:21:44.473
This seems cool but a bit beyond me, unfortunately. +1 because this is basically exactly what I asked for. – Aarthi – 2011-07-22T19:31:47.863
Could you please elaborate about how to bind a key to run that script? – haimg – 2011-10-12T16:22:38.843
The easiest way is probably to use Autohotkey. – EBGreen – 2011-10-12T17:08:15.360