How can I assign a keyboard shortcut to open a bookmark on FireFox?



Possible Duplicate:
Is there a way to open a bookmark in the sidebar in Firefox without clicking on the bookmark in the bookmarks toolbar?

For example, I would like to open my Google calendar (set to open on FireFox sidebar) by Ctrl-Cmd-C. Thanks.


Posted 2011-01-13T21:29:53.487

Reputation: 293

Question was closed 2011-07-20T10:54:05.073

You could try AutoHotKey.

– Jeff F. – 2011-01-14T16:27:18.600

interesting software! but I'm using a MacBook.. Thanks anyway. – AhLeung – 2011-01-15T04:08:19.773

1Not a duplicate - Opening the bookmarks toolbar and opening a single bookmark with a keyboard shortcut are very different things. – l0b0 – 2013-06-21T12:19:04.633



No need of a Firefox add on. Just right click any bookmarks select properties and add keyword there. Now you can open your favourite site by just entering the keyword in the address bar. This post will help

But with this solution you cannot use CTRL,cmd etc.., I hope this is the closest solution to this problem!!!


Posted 2011-01-13T21:29:53.487

Reputation: 279

I tried that. It is convenient! However, it doesn't open my page on the sidebar (though I set it to do so).. Thanks anyway. – AhLeung – 2011-01-14T16:59:16.077

@AhLeung If you like my solution, please mark it as accepted or vote up If you want more plz ping me. I will try to come with more solution. Thanks!!! – mvg – 2011-01-15T03:01:40.327


I've found a pretty neat solution for this issue. All you need is Keyconfig (detailed Infos in this thread) which allows you to (re)bind Firefox Shortcuts.

Follow those easy steps:

  1. Add your Bookmark
  2. Edit your Bookmark and add an keyword in the keyword field
  3. Close Firefox
  4. Depending on your OS open the file prefs.js:
    • OSX: /Users/YOURUSER/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/RANDOMVALUE.default/prefs.js
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\profile_name\prefs.js
    • Linux: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js
  5. Add: user_pref("keyconfig.main.xxx_key__Keyword 1", "!][][][if(window.loadURI) loadURI(getShortcutOrURI('**YOUR_BOOKMARKLET_KEYWORD**',{}));");
  6. Open Firefox and go to Extras > Edit Shortcuts (make sure to select 'Keyconfig' in the selectbox above, if you don't, you would edit the shortcuts just for a particular site)
  7. Assign the shortcut of your choice and save.
  8. Restart. You're done.

Comment: I know that some would point out that instead of editing the prefs.js directly you better should add an user.js in the mentioned directory. But when I customized the user.js, I had the problem that after every restart, the shortcut needed to be reassigned. So I ended up editing the prefs.js directly (which shouldn't be a problem anyway).


Posted 2011-01-13T21:29:53.487

Reputation: 475

sounds interessting, but sadly does not work anymore on ffx33 and keyconfig 0.3.1. The "Keyword 1" does not appear in "Extras > Key settings" – jerik – 2014-10-24T07:58:17.387


Probably this add-on might help you: iMacros for Firefox


Posted 2011-01-13T21:29:53.487

Reputation: 283

I just tried the add-on, but it cannot record my action (opening a bookmark). Thanks anyway! – AhLeung – 2011-01-13T22:35:38.527


Have you looked at all-in-one sidebar?

I have not used this in years but according to the description, it has embeddable webpages in the sidebar and configurable shortcuts.

  • open Bookmarks, History, Downloads, Add-ons, Page Info, Page Source, and Error Console in the sidebar
  • fully customizable toolbar at the left side of the browser
  • quickly show/hide the sidebar and the toolbar with a thin switch
  • toggle the sidebar by clicking or just by mouse movements
  • all panels are optimized for displaying in the sidebar (including slim lists)
  • place the sidebar on the left or on the right side of the browser
  • configure the behavior at the browser start or in fullscreen mode
  • MultiPanel for opening webpages in the sidebar, amongst other features
  • configurable shortcuts and additional buttons
  • third-party add-ons are supported
  • can be extensively customized

However I don't know if you can assign a shortcut to open the sidebar without a CMD/Ctrl/ etc.


Posted 2011-01-13T21:29:53.487

Reputation: 141