How to delete files from NTFS formatted external drive using OS X?


Possible Duplicate:
A free utility for NTFS writing on Mac OS X 10.6.5?

I have a 1TB external hard drive that I think is formatted for Windows (NTFS?) but I have a Mac.

Right now I can view the data on there but I can't delete any of it.

Is there something I can do to be able to change the format to be able to delete stuff without removing any data and totally reformatting the external hard drive?


Posted 2011-06-20T19:32:04.373

Reputation: 41

Question was closed 2011-06-25T06:47:47.910

Heh, I misread the title to mean "how can I delete data without losing it?" – Wuffers – 2011-06-20T19:33:21.803



Just install NTFS-3g for OS X on your Mac and be done with it. It's a read/write NTFS driver for your Mac.


Posted 2011-06-20T19:32:04.373

Reputation: 21 316

Heh, you beat me :P – slhck – 2011-06-20T19:35:32.597

NTFS-3G has been working for me for over a year. Seems very stable and easy to install. – viking – 2011-06-20T19:36:26.227


There is NTFS-3G for OS X, which is a Freeware driver that allows you to also write to NTFS-formatted volumes.

Caution: Use at your own risk.


Posted 2011-06-20T19:32:04.373

Reputation: 182 472