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wget/cURL alternative native to Windows?
I am currently looknig for a DOS down-loader similar to wget, are there any alternatives for Windows?
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wget/cURL alternative native to Windows?
I am currently looknig for a DOS down-loader similar to wget, are there any alternatives for Windows?
Wait, what?
I've used this wget version for years: http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/
– jftuga – 2011-06-16T12:37:05.510+1, you don't need a wget alternative. – Phoshi – 2011-06-16T13:00:40.593
Already answered: https://superuser.com/a/350763/102983
Native to Windows (comes preinstalled, and depends on "bits" Windows service):
Can do what wget does, and prolly more (you can control an ongoing job via api like commands - for example you can get status speed and cancel if it is too slow)
Example usage from my own experience (you can do parallel downloads in the same .bat, or do sequencial downloads in the same job):
bitsadmin /create thisissomejobname
bitsadmin /addfile thisissomejobname http://kakao.ro/Pictures.iso C:\john_pictures.iso
bitsadmin /SetCredentials thisissomejobname Server BASIC somehttpuser somehttppassword
bitsadmin /resume thisissomejobname
REM how to get status:
bitsadmin /info thisissomejobname
8DOS and Windows are two different operating systems. In addition, DOS hasn't been used for the last 15 years or so. (Well, in some sense Windows 9x operating systems are DOS applications.) The command line interpreter
that is found in Windows has nothing to do with the old DOS operating system! So, are you looking for a DOS application or a command-line (console) Windows application? – Andreas Rejbrand – 2011-06-16T12:02:31.3873
If you're looking for Windows command line (excellent point @Andreas), cURL may work for you. Look for the binary download not the source.
– jonsca – 2011-06-16T12:05:26.107@jonsca Thanks, actually I just found it myself :) – None – 2011-06-16T12:11:56.803
Please see this link http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/ , you can download the same wget exe and can be run on dos same as linux,... To retrieve with passwords (http or ftp), you can use the following url syntax:
wget http://username:password@www.example.net/somedir/somefile wget ftp://username:password@ftp.example.net/somedir/somefile