How to download Chrome extensions for installing in another computer?



A computer I use does not have access to the website.

I wish I could download the plugin and then use the file to install it, but the only option I have is to install. The plugin is downloaded to a temporary folder with a random name, and I'm not able to identify it.

Jader Dias

Posted 2011-04-26T22:19:40.680

Reputation: 13 660

right-click, just let you save the HTML page, not the extension installer – Logan Mzz – 2017-09-21T10:14:00.750

I wish I could download the plugin and then use the file to install it, but the only option I have is to install.   Why not? Don’t left-click while holding Alt, that will try to install it. Instead, right-click and select Save As. Also, this question asked how to copy an extension from one system to another, in case you need to copy an extension that’s already installed. – Synetech – 2013-08-06T01:47:57.507



Ok. I just found out that the accepted answer's method is not working. It was actually working a few months back. So, when I came here to copy the link (I had forgotten) I found that its not working. Here's what I did to get the CRX file.

Note: You will need the Chrome Extensions's ID for this. I am referring it to as $ID$. You can get the $ID$ from the URL of the Chrome Extension page.

  1. Go to Chrome's Extensions page (chrome://extensions/)

  2. Enable the developer mode (check the developer mode box)

    enter image description here

  3. Click on the "Pack extension" button. Give the "Extension root directory" as ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/$ID$ for ubuntu, C:\Users\<Your_User_Name>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\$ID$ for windows, ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default\$ID$ for OS X. Leave the "Private Key" field blank" and click "Pack extension".

You will find the .CRX file in the same directory as ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/$ID$ (or other respective directories for Windows and OS X)

(Note: The .CRX file is just a .ZIP file. If all you want to do is to extract extension after getting it, you can just find the unpacked extension at ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/$ID$ you don't need to follow above steps. You would need to follow above steps only if you specifically need the .CRX file)

Pervy Sage

Posted 2011-04-26T22:19:40.680

Reputation: 338

1Sorry, it is no longer "just a ZIP" file. But you can use 7-zip to extract it regardless. Just don't try to call it "*.zip"... – not2qubit – 2015-09-27T10:25:51.863

For newer version of chrome (~v 69), you may have to add path till the manifest file for the extension, else you may get path errors/manifest not found error! – subdeveloper – 2018-09-24T06:43:14.203


Or just use to download a chrome extension easily.


Posted 2011-04-26T22:19:40.680

Reputation: 471

2not working for me, return 0 size file – Rabin – 2014-07-22T11:16:30.973

1fixed since august 2014 – lspcity – 2016-02-28T10:37:52.057


I've wondered how to do this too. I found this blog article that has the solution (I edited it to bring it up-to-date):

  1. Find the ID of the extension you’re interested in. When on the details page of the extension, it will be something like
  2. Paste this into Firefox (not Chrome):
    and replacing ~~~~ with the extension ID.
  3. You’ll be prompted to save a CRX file. Drag this file to a Chrome window and proceed with installation


Posted 2011-04-26T22:19:40.680

Reputation: 2 758

6doesn't work for me :( – user1248256 – 2014-06-25T08:01:46.897

1I tried with IE and it does not work for me either – Jean-Francois T. – 2014-08-14T06:09:19.667

does not work anymore by the looks of it – jhbsk – 2018-07-27T12:48:46.363


Since September 3, 2015, Installing Chrome extensions off-line no longer work (and here ) due to Google trying to prevent malicious extensions being downloaded and installed. To install an extension off-line today, require you to install a signed pre-packaged full Chrome install, using Googles Chrome for Business. This functionality is controlled by a policy list. Or according to this post, you can use their Dev or Canary channels to run any extension. Their latest builds can be found here


Posted 2011-04-26T22:19:40.680

Reputation: 1 234


If you have access to the codebase for the .crx package, you can also install it directly in chrome by going to chrome://extensions/.

Next click on "Load Unpacked Extensions" and select the root directory (of the code).

The extension should work now.


Posted 2011-04-26T22:19:40.680

Reputation: 123


I found a solution based on the best solution in this forum post:!topic/chrome/g02KlhK12fU

To summarize, the solution is:

  1. Go to where the extension is installed in your computer
  2. Create a .crx file yourself
  3. Drag & Drop the crx file into Chrome to install

To be precise:

  1. Find the ID of the extension you’re interested in at the end of the path from Chrome Web Store (the last groups of weird characters). For example, it is "cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb" for following link.

  2. Go to where the plugins are installed (by default, it should be "%APPDATA%/../Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Extensions" in Windows.

  3. Open the folder of your extension (the name of the folder is the ID of the extension ("cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb"). Notice that there is a subfolder with the version of the extension.

  4. In Chrome, go to the page with "Extensions", and click on "Developer Mode"

  5. Click on "Pack Extension" and choose the folder "Local/.../Extensions//"

  6. The .crx file has been created in the folder "Local/.../Extensions/".

  7. To install the extension in Chrome (another account or computer), simply drag&drop the crx file into Google Chrome.

If it is not clear, do not hesitate to comment.

Jean-Francois T.

Posted 2011-04-26T22:19:40.680

Reputation: 428