Outlook automatic reply that retains body text of the incoming message



I'm able to create a rule that replies to incoming emails with a template. That works as designed, however I would like for the reply to quote the original incoming email just like it would appear if I manually replied to it. At the moment the replies only have the template and nothing else.

I can't seem to figure out if this is possible - has anyone done it, and how?

Edit: More info - this is Outlook 2010 client on Windows 7. Server is Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 build 14.1.218


Posted 2011-03-18T00:11:36.930

Reputation: 773

Lets see if the bounty hunters can be tempted by the meager rep that I can spare :) – scuzzy-delta – 2011-03-21T22:43:52.427

Further clarification (prompted by Dan) - This is a rather pedestrian problem. Operating a small service desk that just needs to acknowledge incoming emails. While the existing "reply with template" does this, without the original email text, when the sender replies to the acknowledgement the context is lost, so here I'm trying to retain the content of the original email. I'm open to all suggestions, although installing something like OTRS is not an option sadly. – scuzzy-delta – 2011-03-23T05:41:38.613



The article Copy body of email to Auto-reply in Outlook 2007 suggests the following script as solution:

Sub AutoReply(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
    Dim olkReply As Outlook.MailItem
    Set olkReply = Item.Reply
    With olkReply
        'Change the subject on the next line as desired'
        .Subject = "Your Subject Goes Here"
        'Change the body as desired'
        .HTMLBody = "Your reply text goes here.<bt><br>" & olkReply.HTMLBody
    End With
    Set olkReply = Nothing
End Sub

Remark: Since I posted this link, Experts Exchange has changed its business model and has become much less accessible. The code is however duplicated above, even if the link is unusable.


Posted 2011-03-18T00:11:36.930

Reputation: 306 093

Using a script makes it a client-side rule, right? (i.e. only when Outlook is running) – theglauber – 2014-10-15T20:58:24.140

@theglauber: Yes. – harrymc – 2014-10-16T05:42:25.637

1-∞ for Expertsexchange. – Hello71 – 2011-03-22T21:25:16.480

@harrymc: "experts-exchange" is "universally loathed".

– Hello71 – 2011-03-23T02:03:14.493

@harrymc - One issue is that your link to the reference was obfuscated with some sort of javascript garbage that blocked the answer. Oh man I despise Expert's Exchange. – skub – 2011-03-23T03:43:54.227

Thanks for the code - I would prefer that the reply mechanism can run server-side so I don't need to keep a machine constantly running, but will keep it in mind if nothing else comes up – scuzzy-delta – 2011-03-23T05:44:55.523

A reference that doesn't work is not useful, although the mentioned script is. +1 – Tamara Wijsman – 2011-03-25T17:19:30.443


Does it have to be a Reply? There are rule actions for both redirect and forward which might be "close enough" for your purposes.

There is also an "Out of Office" reply which might be useful.

While I realize neither of these directly answers your question, I'm trying to offer possible solutions to your problem—whatever that may be.


Posted 2011-03-18T00:11:36.930

Reputation: 196

As far as I can see, with Outlook 2013, neither Redirect nor Forward give you the option of adding additional text. They seem to just forward the original message without the chance of including your own message as you would if you were replying. – SimonTewsi – 2016-02-25T20:01:41.710

Thanks for the reminder that I could have provided more context. Essentially yes, it does have to be a reply, or look very similar to one. I've added more detail as a comment to the question – scuzzy-delta – 2011-03-23T05:43:30.967