Is it worth buying a inkjet printer if all I do is text printing, of say, 100 pages per year and that too irregularly? I heard that the inkjets get clogged up if not used regularly. So, should I go for laser printers (which cost 2x here) or stay with inkjets?
Is the running costs of laser cheaper? I mean, is there any problems similar to clogging inks etc when using laser printers? – abc3489weq – 2011-03-02T10:01:13.520
@abc3489weq: As far as I am aware, laser printers don't clog even when left unused for ages and the ink is cheaper on a per-page basis. – Mick – 2011-03-02T10:07:37.540
Is there anything at all to keep in mind before buying laser printers? – abc3489weq – 2011-03-02T10:12:21.300
2Check out the speed to print first page from cold as well as the speed of subsequent pages. Check the price of the cartridges. Be aware that there may be cartridges that look the same size but contain different quantities of ink. – Mick – 2011-03-02T10:16:00.253
1There is kind of a "hidden" cost with laser printers, as well as the toner, there is also the drum and fuser, these two don't get replaced as often as the toner, but some can be very expensive. Some printers have the drum integrated into the toner cartridge so that makes the toner more expensive, but you won't have to worry about replacing the drum. I think the fuser is always a separate part. – Hydaral – 2011-03-02T10:19:52.573
My black-and-white laser printer (HP P1505) got me over 1500 pages (AND COUNTING!) with the stock cartridge. The printer only cost me $60 at the time, so currently it's costing me $0.04 per page :D – Breakthrough – 2011-03-02T12:11:27.610
It's worthwhile to check around for used laser printers. They often have much useful life left. – W_Whalley – 2011-03-02T13:43:30.287