Autohotkey script to exit VMWare window



To exit from a VMWare console window on my XP system, I need to:

  • Press both Shift keys
  • Press Cntrl-Alt

Does anyone know how I can do this in Autohotkey?


Posted 2011-01-13T15:32:35.183

Reputation: 11



Russell's answer gets you a large chunk of the way there using RDP as an example. It's a little harder to detect that you're in vsphere/vmware console but can be done with the below. I've commented the changes/additions

#SingleInstance force

; A window's title can contain WinTitle anywhere inside it to be a match
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

setTimer, windowWatch, 500

  ; if rdp OR (partial title matching vsphere AND you are in the console captured section)
  if WinActive("ahk_class TscShellContainerClass") or (WinActive(" - vSphere Client") and Control("MKSEmbedded1")) {
    if (!active) {
      active := true
      Sleep 50
      suspend off
  } else {
    active := false
    suspend on

; return ClassNN of mouse position
Control(ClassNN) { 
    return (ClassNN = control) 

I use this to allow play/pause media keys to work in both rdp/vsphere

  Sleep 50
  Run "C:\Foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" /playpause

Nick Sturgess

Posted 2011-01-13T15:32:35.183

Reputation: 121


Try this in your AHK script:

send ^!{LShift}{RShift} ; send ctrl+alt+left shift+right shift


Posted 2011-01-13T15:32:35.183

Reputation: 3 849

No luck. When I'm inside the VMWare console window and do my Hotkey for the code above, just the Hotkey character "v" gets displayed. – Bill – 2011-01-13T16:16:08.407

Try using SendPlay instead of Send. If that doesn't work try SendInput. AHK has a variety of send modes and which one works sometimes depends on the application. – martineau – 2011-01-13T16:32:33.967

Still no luck. Something must be grabbing the keyboard when inside the VMWare console window. I notice that another hotkey I have (simple character expansion ) also isn't able to function when it's inside the VMWare console window. – Bill – 2011-01-13T18:12:23.113


VMWare is most likely installing its own keyboard hook which takes precedence over AHK's. The same problem occurs when running a Remote Desktop client. The solution is to check whether the target window is active every so often and reinstall AHK's hook if it is. The hook can be reinstalled by suspending and then unsuspending AHK.

Here's my script for Remote Desktop that should be easily customizable for VMWare:

; Script by Russell Davis,
; with inspiration from
; and

#SingleInstance force

setTimer, windowWatch, 500

  if WinActive("ahk_class TscShellContainerClass") {
    if (!active) {
      active := true
      ; Short sleep to make sure remote desktop's hook is in place first
      Sleep 50
      ; Coming out of suspend mode recreates the keyboard hook, giving
      ; our hook priority over the remote desktop client's.
      suspend off
  } else {
    active := false
    suspend on

; Be careful if using a hotkey with an Alt or Win modifier. The modifier's
; keyup event may trigger a system action. AHK is supposed to work around this,
; but it doesn't seem to work in this case.
; See for a related discussion.
  ; Need a short sleep here for focus to restore properly.
  Sleep 50
  WinMinimize ahk_class TscShellContainerClass

Russell Davis

Posted 2011-01-13T15:32:35.183

Reputation: 1 124