Providing permission to specific user to access NFS share


I have two machines between which I need to share a folder.

On server1, I have the user 'appuser' that needs to access (read/write/delete) on this share.

On server2, 'root' accesses this share and writes to it.

I have the following in /etc/exports on server1:

/home/app-share 999.999.99.99/28(rw,insecure,sync,no_root_squash)

where the number is the IP address. How can I change this to allow 'appuser' access?


Posted 2010-10-11T11:12:42.150

Reputation: 2 067



NFS doesn't have share-level permissions. Access to the file on a NFS share follows normal *nix permissions.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

Posted 2010-10-11T11:12:42.150

Reputation: 100 516

Okay - so how do I give this useraccount permission to access this share? (sorry if i'm asking a very basic question) – siliconpi – 2010-10-11T11:24:50.963

It has access to the share already. You need to modify the permissions of the files and directories within the share using chmod, chown, setfacl, etc. – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams – 2010-10-11T11:26:10.090

Actually no, the user account does not have access to it... could it be because its in /home/app-share? I only see that user's home directory. What's a conventional location for such a file-share folder? – siliconpi – 2010-10-11T11:32:29.753

Under /srv is generally a good place to put service data. – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams – 2010-10-11T11:41:35.607

and that folder will be accessible to all users on the system? (i'll just have one other user - the account under which I operate the website) – siliconpi – 2010-10-11T11:45:10.983

whats /mnt typically used for? – siliconpi – 2010-10-11T11:45:42.543

Again, that is based on the *nix permissions within it. – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams – 2010-10-11T11:46:04.383 – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams – 2010-10-11T11:46:36.597

Wow - thats a great reference! Thanks - will act on your advice! – siliconpi – 2010-10-11T11:54:30.500

Hi Ignacio - I had trouble changing ownership - I've added a separate question - - please help if you can.

– siliconpi – 2010-10-11T12:25:57.213