How do I do a low level format?
There are utilities all over the net that might help you here, but your best bet would be to check with either your laptop manufacturer, or if you know it, the manufacturer of your hard disk and either should have a utility. That being said, it's not going to get rid of the bad sectors.
What do I need to do before trying to do it?
Back up your files. A format is going to wipe out all of your information, so you better be sure you have a backup of what's important, as well as your OS installation disks.
Is there a particular time span until all of the hard disk breaks down and lose all of my data wen it has already bad sectors on it?
It's hard to say. It could be tomorrow, it could be months from now. That's the nature of hardware. There's no set time limit on when a disk could fail or completely fail. Given the fact that you're starting to see bad sectors, you might want to see if you can somehow manage to find a new disk.
How long will a low-level format take, for a laptop with 2Ghz core 2 duo processor and 2Gb ram.
Again, this is hard to say as there are factors in the format. I'd set aside a couple of hours to be safe.
If you want to know how long it takes, we'll need drive specs, not computer specs. – BloodPhilia – 2010-09-30T16:03:33.557