It sounds like you have a widescreen monitor, given that aspect ratio. 1024x768 is an old school 4:3 resolution (give or take).
Desktop scaling is annoying and will never look quite right.
The BEST thing to do is to buy a new LCD (most new LCDs are widescreen), 19" and above. Almost all should have a resolution larger than 1024x768.
The most cost effective solution (especially if your PC supports multiple monitors) is to buy a used 17" or 15" fullscreen 4:3 ratio LCD - those will do the resolution you need, and it would be neat to have a second monitor on your system. A used 15" LCD is dirt cheap nowadays.
I dont really understand that. Couldnt the window manager "simply" resize everything by 50% (like you would eg. in gimp)? as a virtual resolution. physical resolution (the amount of pixels displayed) would not change of course – phil294 – 2018-02-20T02:09:47.847