Mac-like alt-tab replacement for Windows 7?



Is there an alt-tab replacement for Windows 7 that works in the same manner as command-tab and command-tick (tilde) on OS X?


1. Completely keyboard-shortcut-based, no mouse action should be necessary.

2. 2 keyboard shortcuts with the following behavior:

a.) alt+tab: cycles through open applications (NOT windows... applications, meaning even if i have 10 firefox windows open, I only want to see firefox once in the list that comes up when i hit this shortcut)

b.) alt+`: cycles through WINDOWS that are instances of the currently active application (meaning if firefox is my active window and i hit shortcut2, it will cycle through those 10 firefox windows, while ignoring any other windows from ANY other application).

Update 08:40 5/21: I tried out eidylon's suggestion, TopDesk. It doesn't provide any of the functionality described here. Other apps I've already tried:

  • VistaSwitcher
  • Switcher
  • Dexpot (awesome app, still using, but doesn't do what I want in this case... also looked for plugins but couldn't find one that does it)
  • UltraMon
  • Nvidia nView

update: Unfortunately I still haven't found a solution for this.

update: made this a community wiki in case anyone is ever able to find a solution for this.

Robert S Ciaccio

Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 1 470

Question was closed 2015-10-06T08:46:27.950


Not a solution, so here's a nifty tip: In the Mac OS X, you can press Command-Tilde (~) to switch between the windows of the currently open application.

Third party software like Witch ( can give your Mac a more Windows like window switching interface also.

– dotHTM – 2010-05-21T14:03:05.590

Yes, I love that combo. As stated above, I can duplicate that functionality with VistaSwitcher, but not the command-tab behavior unfortunately. I edited the OP to be more clear on what functionality of OS X I'm trying to duplicate. – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-05-21T14:41:31.813

6The grass is always greener on the other side. I would love to have on Mac OS X the Cmd+Tab to behave as Alt+Tab on Windows. =( – Sergio Acosta – 2010-06-14T08:27:36.640

I think there's some apps that will do that Sergio... Not positive but I remember seeing mention of one called "witch" or something that can be configured like that. – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-06-17T21:48:36.827

Have you tried in Dexpot the "Window catalog" ? – harrymc – 2012-07-03T07:49:26.597



I happened to have written a script that does (almost) just the thing, using AutoHotkey. It's a lot closer than simply remapping ALT+` to ALT+F6.

If getting AutoHotkey set up with this code is too much overhead, just ask, and I will gladly post a lightweight compiled executable that will run in the background.

Otherwise, download cycleWindow.ahk and its dependency Thumbnail Lib.ahk, then execute the following AHK code to create your ALT+` hotkey:

#Include cycleWindow.ahk

This switches windows of the same class, just like in Mac OS. However, Alt-Tab will still function as usual for Windows.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 151

Thanks from me too! I'm using this in combination with Emcee, and have Windows+~ mapped to bring up "Mission Control" and Alt+~ to switch among windows. Works really well.

– scobi – 2014-09-02T07:34:09.280

Glad to hear it :-). Sounds like a nice setup... – user1480704 – 2014-09-04T16:05:33.250

This is I believe the only answer currently answering the question. Thanks much - as an AHK user, this works great :) – enderland – 2013-04-04T21:34:55.480

@enderland Glad you like it! – user1480704 – 2013-05-17T17:34:39.767


Win+T cycles between the apps in the taskbar. Or press Win+T once and then use the left/right arrow keys to move between apps.

It's not quite the same behavior as Cmd+Tab because the Cmd+Tab list is dynamically updated to reflect the retrospective order in which the apps have been accessed, whilst the Windows taskbar order is manually controlled.

But its a matter of opinion as to whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I would also like to see a Cmd+Tab clone for Windows.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 11


Using AutoHotkey, you can get a Command-Tilde equivalent by mapping a shortcut to Alt+F6 (which switches windows of the current app, as Daniel Beck said).

I use the following simple script to do this (I map Alt+` (backquote), which is "!`" in AutoHotKey's syntax:

Send !{F6}


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 101


Vista Switcher allows you to switch windows within an application. It even uses Alt+` for the hotkey to do so. Sadly it doesn't work the exact same as Command+Tab when pressing Alt+Tab. Instead it just behaves like regular Windows Alt+Tab.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 767

Thanks, this is what I've been using for quite awhile. It's really a great switcher, excepting that functionality you mentioned. I probably should contact the dev and request that feature. The only other thing abou VistaSwitcher is that it really slows down remote desktop. – Robert S Ciaccio – 2011-09-23T00:21:41.133


I found a solution! Follow the instructions here:

And, then if you press windows + # of what place the program is in the task bar, it will switch to the last window of that program. This works best for windows you've pinned to the task bar and therefore know what # they are. For example, windows + 3 switches between my two open chrome windows.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 1

1Can you include the relevant parts of the answer here. Then if the link ever dies the answer is still useful. – ChrisF – 2013-03-20T13:03:57.447


I don't know if it fits your needs, but you could check these tips out:,2000451082,339287482,00.htm


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 27 374

While this link is helpful for OS X, what I actually need is for some of the functionality discussed on that page to be available in Windows 7. – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-05-21T14:06:11.437

I'm sorry, I misread! – BloodPhilia – 2010-05-21T14:19:06.017

3No problem, your answer showed me that I needed to clarify my OP. I edited and hopefully it makes more sense now :) – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-05-21T15:01:07.560


Check out TopDesk from Otaku Software.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 1 667

This is more of a visual alt-tab replacement rather than a functional, behavioral replacement. Pretty cool for replicating expose though. – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-05-21T14:58:05.977


I don't know about the switching between open applications but if you do Ctrl+Tab you'll be able to switch between open windows of the same application. This works on Firefox, IE, Excel, Word, etc, etc.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 1 524

1No, alt-tab in Windows switches between all open windows, not just windows of the same application. Do you mean ctrl-tab? – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-05-21T14:46:14.190

My bad, I did mean Ctrl+Tab. – Hondalex – 2010-05-21T20:35:23.140

1Doesn't Ctrl-Tab switch between Firefox tabs? – Peter Jaric – 2010-08-05T15:59:43.613

Yes, and it also does in IE and any other app where you have something open within it. – Hondalex – 2010-08-05T17:57:56.237


Now, I know this method is mouse as opposed to keyboard, but it does replicate the same functionality somewhat (from what I can tell from your updated q, never used Mac myself), just a different means of getting to it. If you're not wedded to the idea of strict KB experience, it may help...

It will make it so clicking on the taskbar button in Win7 switch to the last active window of that app (switching applications) and clicking it repeatedly will cycle through the windows of that application in usage order.

For applications which do not open multiple documents as multiple taskbar buttons as say IE does (for example, FF without the secret switch on) you would still need to use CTRL-TAB as you said, but any app which actually opens tiles on the tasbar, this will work.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 1 667

That's a really cool trick. Still doesn't solve the fundamental issue though. Editing the OP to clarify some more. – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-05-21T17:50:56.040


You can use Alt+F6 to cycle through windows in a multi-window application. (untested, via @SansMouse). Should help with part of your question at least.

Daniel Beck

Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 98 421


You won't be able to do this (at least not without writing your own app) on Windows. Mac differentiates windows per-application, while Windows does not. This is why Alt+Tab and Alt+` are allowed. This is also why Expose supports current-app windows and all-windows modes of operation.

Andrew Scagnelli

Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 1 777

There also isn't a simple rule for doing this, even based on title bar content, since apps tend to not follow a standard "content title - app title" vs "app title - content title". – Andrew Scagnelli – 2010-08-11T18:02:21.270

unfortunately, sometimes the only answer is that there is no answer. – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-08-12T15:03:07.173

although I will point out that VistaSwitcher DOES know how to differentiate between windows per-application. So there must be some way of doing it (maybe not natively through a simple windows api). The thing that VistaSwitcher is lacking is an option to make alt-tab only switch applications and not all windows. So it has half the functionality I described... – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-10-07T00:02:16.910

Windows can tell what windows belong to what application—that's how on XP and Vista, it's able to group windows by application if the taskbar gets full. I think it does the same thing always on 7 as well, though I don't remember as clearly for that version. – zpletan – 2011-09-22T17:45:05.037


Ohh... I was missing my Mac's ALT+` so much... But I have just found the Windows 7 equivalent: CTRL+F6

Google "CTRL F6" for more info.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 147


I found a solution that works for me, based on another partial solution (unfortunately, I cannot recall where I found that so cannot give due credit).

First, locate the IE "Window Switcher" shortcut on your PC (This is a shortcut or .LNK file):

C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Window Switcher

and copy it to a directory where you can easily locate it. For example:

C:\autohotkey\Window Switcher

Now add the following to your .ahk file:

LWin & Tab:: 
Run, "C:\home\jseidel\Window Switcher"
SetSwitch = 1

~$*LWin up::
if SetSwitch = 1
  Send {Return}
  SetSwitch = 0


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 206


One more product to try : Alt-Tab Thingy, available for Windows XP, Vista & 7.

A short description is available here : Alt-Tab Thingy – Windows Task Switcher Alternative



Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 306 093


I'm not a Mac OS user, but have you tried Win+Tab? Significantly different than Alt+Tab and possibly to your liking.


Posted 2010-05-21T13:52:20.587

Reputation: 161

WinKey-Tab gives Flip3D, which is just a fancier Alt-Tab, on Vista and above. – Andrew Scagnelli – 2010-08-11T17:54:45.157

correct, with a window-pane preview... yada yada – Hardryv – 2010-08-11T22:31:03.280