Manufacturer's HDD diagnostics software vs HDDSCAN


I recently bought a hard drive on Amazon but someone (I'm guessing the order picker) didn't protect it for safe shipping as you can see in the picture below.

So I decided I need to check the disk for damages. According to Seatools' Long generic test (which is a long generic read on the drive), there are no errors. Unfortunately Seatools doesn't do (as far as I know) a writing test and I read somewhere that bad sectors are detected when a software (usually the operating system) tries to write on the drive.

So I decided to check the disk with HDDSCAN so I did an 'Erase' (which write special pattern on the disk) for writing test. And it detected more than 305231 bad blocks which is like more than 100 MB of damaged sectors.

I don't know much about Hard drive terminology (Sectors, LBA, etc.) and how they work so I don't really know which to trust. Is performing a writing test better than a simple reading test.

Which software should I trust for the diagnostic of the drive? Seatools or HDDSCAN?

enter image description here

Paiku Han

Posted 2019-04-11T21:40:24.790

Reputation: 147

2Both of these test real things, and it seems you already have a good grasp on their relative strengths. If I were you I'd return the drive. – music2myear – 2019-04-11T21:44:37.813

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