How to actually start program minimized in Windows 10?


Steps i tried to make program (for example: Thunderbird) to load on startup, but minimized:

  1. Placed shortcut under: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  2. In a shortcut properties i've checked "minimized"

Rebooted windows, it does start, but MAXIMIZED! Can't make it minimized, just like on MacOS i could set it hidden.

Alexander Kim

Posted 2018-08-07T18:26:28.737

Reputation: 318



Your method does not seem to work correctly for me. You could make a scheduled task that runs at user logon with the following batch (.bat) file attached.

start /min "" "C:\Program Files\Mozilla\Thunderbird.exe"

You would then disable the thunderbird program from running at startup through your appdata path.

Other Options for code:

Save this as a .ps1

@echo off
start thunderbird
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
$wshell.AppActivate('*Mozilla Thunderbird')
Sleep 2
$wshell.SendKeys('(%(" "(n)))')

**Make sure when thunderbird opens, the setup email box is not there (client has been configured) and you are not getting prompted for the default mail application.


Posted 2018-08-07T18:26:28.737

Reputation: 2 276

Is it necessary to use this code in a batch file? Or scheduler works only with files? This "minimized" thing not working at all for me either. – Alexander Kim – 2018-08-07T18:35:55.783

the scheduler runs easier if you give it a file to run, rather than straight commands. It is less troubleshooting to feed it a file that you know works. I would open command prompt and paste that command and see if thunderbird opens minimized to test it. You may need to change the file path of the thunderbird exe to reflect your machine's file system – Narzard – 2018-08-07T18:37:51.867

bah, it's still starting maximized... start /min "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe" – Alexander Kim – 2018-08-07T18:42:38.733

this one worked for me, Open powershell and type Start-Process thunderbird -WindowStyle Minimized . You can always write this in notepad and save it as a .ps1 and it will have the same functionality as a batch file. I will edit the answer if this one works for you – Narzard – 2018-08-07T18:46:11.110

Still maximized, lol. – Alexander Kim – 2018-08-07T18:48:05.600

@AlexanderKim check the answer for latest code block – Narzard – 2018-08-07T19:03:02.587

It works. first it shows "False" in PS, then after some delay - deactivates the window, isn't there a native way to not show the window at all? – Alexander Kim – 2018-08-07T19:07:18.630

There was supposed to be, but they didn't work for you haha – Narzard – 2018-08-07T19:07:59.853