Multiple odd accounts in Windows 10 Task Scheduler



I've been trying to change settings in Task Scheduler following this post (Conclusively stop wake timers from waking Windows 10 desktop) but on making my setting Windows asks me for a password for one of these accounts. To be honest I recognize none of the accounts (I do recognize my mail but I actually use an offline account and pin to log in. What are these and are there default passwords I can try?

enter image description here


Posted 2017-12-10T08:56:56.363

Reputation: 71


S-1-5-18 is a special account used by the operating system. I don't think it will have a password ...

– DavidPostill – 2017-12-10T09:15:45.857

1Which change are you trying to make that requires a password? You should be logged in as an Administrator before making any of the changes. – DavidPostill – 2017-12-10T09:17:24.460



You won't be able to provide any password there as the user S-1-5-18 is a system account. The PSExec tool from SysInternals can work around this issue by launching Task Scheduler as SYSTEM. Run this command in an elevated (admin) cmd prompt to launch Task Scheduler: psexec -i -d -s mmc taskschd.msc

Then proceed to modify the task as needed.


Posted 2017-12-10T08:56:56.363

Reputation: 443

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– DavidPostill – 2018-01-14T15:31:59.090