That's the numpad. Typically the numbers will have the same color as the Fn key so it'll be quite easy to recognize how to type it. In this case it was a bit strange
On some laptop computers, the Num Lock key is used to convert part of the main keyboard to act as a (slightly skewed) numeric keypad rather than letters
To type those numbers in normal mode (i.e Numlock OFF) you'll need to hold Fn. If you don't want to keep holding it you can toggle NumLock (Fn+NumLk in your case) and now the function of those keys will be reversed: to type the normal characters on those numpad keys you need to hold Fn
That's the numberpad, as you would see on the right side of a regular keyboard. You would hit (at the same time) the blue function key on the bottom left (this activates the buttons with the blue text) and the Scroll lock button above the F11 key.