How to shorten the no of characters display for the current directory in the prompt


I am using bash, and in my .basrhrc: I have the following which defined how my prompt looks:

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\w\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\!:\#\[\033[00m\]\$ '

I think the \w display the current path of the shell.

Is there any way to limit the number of character used to display the current path of the shell?


Posted 2010-03-30T00:54:16.377

Reputation: 4 127

possible duplicate:

– quack quixote – 2010-03-30T03:14:43.377



You can use \W (capital "W") which will make your home directory (/home/username) display as a tilde ('~') and only show the basename of the current directory. So an example might look like:

dir:509:9$ pwd
dir:510:10$ cd ..

If you're using Bash 4, you can set the PROMPT_DIRTRIM shell variable to a number of trailing directory levels to display. But there was a bug in it which was fixed in a maintenance release (4.1, I think).

Paused until further notice.

Posted 2010-03-30T00:54:16.377

Reputation: 86 075