Tile icons missing from start page in Windows 10



This started happening recently, the tiles in my start menu are missing icons, but show the correct alt-text and link to the correct programs.

Screenshot of my start page

My Windows version/build is: Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063

I've tried to fix this using this, restarting the Windows Explorer process, and deleting iconCache.db. But these only last so long before the issue crops up again.

This only happens for the 'Pinned Tiles' page. The 'All apps' page displays all the tiles and their respective icons correctly.

Any help would be appreciated.


Posted 2017-09-30T12:43:28.453

Reputation: 141

1Does this happen only for Metro apps? – Biswapriyo – 2017-09-30T13:24:50.333

@Biswa This is a non-touchscreen laptop. They're all installed programs that I've pinned to the start page. Screenshot of start page with temp fix (restarted explorer.exe): https://i.stack.imgur.com/qu0dy.jpg

– 0xC0FFEE – 2017-09-30T13:28:48.343

Your screenshot looks normal. You also didn’t answer the question – Ramhound – 2017-09-30T13:32:39.297

@Ramhound Ah, sorry about that. I thought metro apps meant touchscreen apps. Is there an alternate definition that I should go with? Edit: I read some links, I don't think these are metro apps, open to be disagreed with

The screenshot intends to show the "correct state" of the start menu. The screenshot in the original post is for bugged state – 0xC0FFEE – 2017-09-30T13:34:14.960



After a little digging and experimentation from various sources, I found that saving this as a .bat file and running it works (found on a Microsoft answers page)

@echo off
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
taskkill /f /im shellexperiencehost.exe
timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK > nul
del %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\TempState\* /q
timeout /t 2 /NOBREAK > nul
start explorer
@echo on

One day into fix now, issue has not resurfaced so far.

Edit: As of 05-Oct-2017, the issue has not resurfaced. Hope this helps someone in a similar boat


Posted 2017-09-30T12:43:28.453

Reputation: 141


Thank you, that worked for me. I'll use this as my main Explorer-fixup script also used for this annoying bug: https://superuser.com/q/61833/37578

– ygoe – 2018-09-13T12:33:40.330


I had the same (start-menu tiles in Windows 10 showed no icons); this was only for some of the tiles (most from MS Office apps). the tiles showed only the colour of the app, but no icon. I have small size tiles. When I resized them to large the icons reappeared, and when resizing them to small the icons remained. A bit cumbersome, but it solved the issue for me. I have to check if it will stick.

Servi Nabuurs

Posted 2017-09-30T12:43:28.453

Reputation: 1