Tab + Enter no longer taking me to first Google search result in Chrome



As the title says; I used to be able to press Tab+Enter in Chrome to take me to the first search result. This now only works if I am not signed in to my Google account. When signed in, I can't do it. It works fine (signed in and not) on Firefox.

I believe this may have stopped working since a system update.

I'm using:

  • Ubuntu 12.10
  • Chrome 23.0.1271.64

Is this to do with a setting within Google, or is it something within Chrome? Because it works in Firefox, it suggests it is a Chrome problem. I tried disabling all extensions, but no joy.

Bill Cheatham

Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 1 139

I have windows chrome v. 23.0.1271.64 m and same problem. So you can remove the ubuntu flag I think. The problem comes and goes it seems, that is I've experienced the problem before, and now the problem reappeared perhaps a week or two ago. Perhaps it should become a chrome bugreport? I havn't tried logging out, but in incognito the tab+enter also works for me (to browse to first hit) – arberg – 2012-11-22T18:33:54.623

1Yes, I get the same thing, it works in incognito. It's strange that it works even not in incognito as long as I'm not signed in... – Bill Cheatham – 2012-11-22T20:07:14.020



These no longer work as Google have removed this feature, so you can't just turn it out like you used to be able to. The way you used to be able to do this was through:

Google Search > Settings > Search Settings > Google Instant Prediction > On

but it no longer works. I was so sad to see this feature go that I wrote a hack to re-engineer it. So far it only works with Google Chrome, but can be adapted to work with all the others:

  1. Install Chrome extension ShortKeys.
  2. Click on the ShortKeys menu and select "Options" enter image description here
  3. Click on "Add" and fill in the following fields:

Keyboard Shortcut: tab

Behavior: Run JavaScript

Label as: Result Picker

  1. Paste the following JavaScript into the JavaScript code to run:

    function selectResult(newId){
        els = document.querySelectorAll("div.r h3")
        if(newId < 0 || newId >= els.length)
            return  //Could modify for page nav...?
        rp = document.getElementById("result-pointer")
        if(rp != null){
        el = els[newId]
        lnk = el.firstElementChild
        el.innerHTML = "<div id=\"result-pointer\" style=\"position:absolute;left:-15px;\">&gt;</div>" + el.innerHTML
          var el = document.querySelectorAll("div.r h3")[document.selectedResultId]
          var lnk = el.parentElement
          var url = lnk.href
            var win =,"_blank")
            document.location = url
  2. Configure the Activation Settings:

Active while in form fields (Checked)

Websites (Only specific sites)

URLS (one per line): *.google.*

This is what the Options page should look like

ShortKeys Options Page

  1. Click Save and then close your browser.


  • When you restart you should see a little blue (or black) ">" appear by search results when you hit tab.

  • The up/down arrow keys make it cycle through the results.

  • Hitting "Enter" will navigate to the highlighted result.

  • Hitting "Ctrl+Enter" to open the result in a new tab.

Happy Searching!


Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 758


This is very very good! If you repeat this answer on my new question here I'll accept it as the answer:

– Bill Cheatham – 2017-07-27T12:36:03.830

1I'm not sure if I should change the accepted answer here - the accepted one was correct at the time of writing, but is now out of date given that instant search has been killed off – Bill Cheatham – 2017-07-27T12:36:39.523

You should accept whichever answer you feel will be most useful to the community. – Robino – 2017-07-27T13:48:30.493

Please do not post the same answer to multiple questions. If the same information really answers both questions, then one question (usually the newer one) should be closed as a duplicate of the other. You can indicate this by voting to close it as a duplicate or, if you don't have enough reputation for that, raise a flag to indicate that it's a duplicate. Otherwise tailor your answer to this question and don't just paste the same answer in multiple places.

– DavidPostill – 2017-07-27T13:51:04.933

@DavidPostill - please do not post the same comment to multiple answers. – Robino – 2017-07-27T14:03:01.040

1@Robino you realise he is a mod, right? – Burgi – 2017-07-27T14:26:50.693

@BillCheatham I say make this the accepted answer as it is now the most useful and relevant answer to the question. The rest are now irrelevant / history. – Jonathan Ellithorpe – 2017-07-30T01:00:52.053

@Burgi Are you implying mods don't read comments and that I waste my time responding? Or is it something more insightful? – Robino – 2017-07-30T07:46:46.877

I was implying that he knows what he is doing. Needlessly antagonising them isn't wise. DON'T FEED THE MODS! – Burgi – 2017-07-30T10:40:59.017

ok, I see what you mean - I agree this is not the forum for such discussion. Better to take it on Meta. – Robino – 2017-07-30T18:14:11.257

1I recommend using ** so that tab key will continue working on calendar, inbox, and such – joey baruch – 2017-08-30T11:04:35.830


This can be fixed by editing your search preferences, or the cookie that is set for them.

In my case it was caused by google instant being set to off. Turning it back on returned the 'tab to first result', and the 'up and down arrow keys to cycle through results' behaviours.

Others found deleting the relevant cookie worked. It's something to do with search prefs in general, as I get the desired behaviour in incognito mode even when google instant is on.

See google product forums post for discussion.

== UPDATE ==

I've just found that merely opening an incognito / private window and then closing it restores this behaviour for normal windows when it's stopped working.


Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 383

3I am wondering how Google Instant was ever turned off for me. I am sure that I never turned it off manually. – Klas Mellbourn – 2015-04-14T19:33:48.800

2@KlasMellbourn Every few weeks or so, it automatically turns off for me. It has happened for years and it's incredibly frustrating. I've never figured out the cause. – kba – 2016-05-11T08:07:13.530

3 years later I can confirm: You have to activate "Google Instant Predictions" (like described in Soheil's answer) – Sebastian G. Marinescu – 2016-08-16T02:06:19.533

3Turning Instant Predictions on in Search settings worked for me. – guptron – 2013-09-29T21:02:58.600

"Only when my computer is fast enough" does not work, you must choose "Always show Instant results". – Mark – 2014-05-19T16:53:22.607


You need to enable "Google Instant predictions"

From Search Result Page > Settings > Search Settings > Google Instant predictions > On


Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 209

This should be the best answer. Fixed, thanks. – Guillaume Chevalier – 2015-11-08T19:33:21.010

Having multiple Google accounts (Apps for Work + regular) I noticed it worked for some. Google Instant-predictions indeed made the difference. Thanks! – smhg – 2016-01-31T12:45:39.767

2If I'm not mistaken, as in 2019, this feature is no longer available... – Yuki Inoue – 2019-06-29T06:50:18.100


As of 2017-07-31, Google removed this feature entirely from search.

I created the open source Web Search Navigator extension to fix this and add extra features (like configurable keyboard shortcuts).

See installation instructions.

Hope you find it useful, but in any case - feedback is welcome!


Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 301

2Thank you for doing this. Dismayed at the change and glad to have this easy fix. – Dave Rael – 2017-08-05T20:00:39.663

This is great! Is it possible to create one for Firefox based on yours? – Bar – 2017-08-14T19:15:34.030

I will look into making this cross browser (and perhaps cross search engine) in the future, but I doubt I'll have the resources to do it in the next few weeks. Feel free to send a PR though! – infokiller – 2017-08-15T08:28:22.167


The Tab shortcut is no longer available. You can, however, configure a search engine shortcut. Click on Tools -> Settings -> Search -> Manage Search Engines. Then type in I'm Feeling Lucky for Search Engine Name, l or any other keystroke for the shortcut, and the URL

You can also click on Make default: simply type the search query in the Omnibox and hit Enter to go to the first result.


Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 2 354

2thank you! this advice is the best! i assigned symbol ; as a shortcut to avoid confusion with any letter. now I just type my search like "; kitten video" (without quotes) and it just works! great productivity booster. no plugins required. – VeganHunter – 2018-05-25T03:20:19.757


There is also a Chrome Extension called RESULTER, which provides good search results navigation.

You can download it from Web Store:


Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 11

Please be a little more specific with your detail, consider adding some reference and proof supporting what you state and perhaps giving someone a visual with confirmation as such, and also be 100% certain that this answer is not already answered in one of the existing answers on the post. – Pimp Juice IT – 2017-09-05T01:55:51.917


It's confusing since the required keystrokes change depending if you used Chrome's location bar to do the search or using the search box on the Google results page.

Coming from the location bar: one can simply hit Enter then

If already on results page (after an initial search): simply hit Tab

Actually, could simply always be redundant and just always enter, tab, (but then it almost defies the purpose of shortcut).

(Also, assuming Google Instant predictions settings are on)

edit: oh it appears to work consistently in Firefox by simply tabbing, unlike Chrome.


Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 199


This feature was moved to the DOWN arrow key when searching from the Chrome address bar.

TAB still works, but you need be searching using an already loaded google search page, and you need to have instant results turned on.

Jackson T

Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 1


I developed a tiny Chrome Extension that only lets you hit TAB key to move results of Google Search. Try it and let me know how's that.

Soichi Takamura

Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 1

This was working fine until very recently. The new Chrome (Version 69.0.3497.81) now takes me to the number '2' of search result pages, at the very end of the web page, instead of the first result. This estrange behavior disappears when your app is removed from Chrome. Please, report on this, your app was providing a great feature. – nightcod3r – 2018-09-20T04:39:49.777

Hi @nightcod3r , thanks for using it. Hmm it seems working fine in my Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 . If you can find out how to reproduce it, please tell here.

– Soichi Takamura – 2018-09-20T15:46:46.817


That is no shortcut as far as i know, Tab key jumps the selection on screen, when you search and then press Tab+Enter it will be first result always. it might be possible that you have selection somewhere else when you press Tab key.

Samir Chauhan

Posted 2012-11-22T12:15:38.777

Reputation: 41