A Media Player that increases the sound volume?


I have some movies that they have low sound volume , thus I'm looking for a Media Player that increase the sound volume by itself.
Would be OK if you introduced me the Media Player that could do it? ;)

BTW : I have win 7 x64

Mohammad Dayyan

Posted 2010-03-15T19:44:16.347

Reputation: 1 543

Well, You're right. Sorry for that. – Mohammad Dayyan – 2010-03-16T13:48:11.407



VLC increases the sound of the video up to 200%

Mahmoud Hossam

Posted 2010-03-15T19:44:16.347

Reputation: 1 070

Can't we do it with Windows Media Player? – Mohammad Dayyan – 2010-03-16T08:44:22.800

1no,windows media player doesn't do that – Mahmoud Hossam – 2010-03-16T11:13:23.203

1BTW: As I realized; we can increase the volume sound with VLC up to 400%. Use middle button of the mouse and roll it. – Mohammad Dayyan – 2010-03-16T13:41:29.420

yeah,it does that as well,but I guess that decreases the quality of the audio – Mahmoud Hossam – 2010-03-16T16:50:46.673

1WMP is lame (not the mp3 encoder!). A quick comment by yours truly; you need to realize that the M$ junk really is just gimmick software. Once you get to know the computer you realize that you can get along just fine if not better without the M$ junk! Anyways basically use VLC! – None – 2010-03-19T17:47:23.033

1@Phobia: anytime you amplify the sound volume in software, you run the risk of overload (aka clipping), which is pretty solidly a decrease in quality. the better-quality option is to hook up your audio to some external amplifier and turn up the volume there. – quack quixote – 2010-03-19T18:28:10.750


I've found a Plugin for Windows Media Player for increasing sound volume.
DFX Audio Enhancement
It sounds better than VLC ;)

Mohammad Dayyan

Posted 2010-03-15T19:44:16.347

Reputation: 1 543