Installing twisted on python 3.5 and virtualenv using pip



when i run

pip install twisted

in the command line in windows, it starts installing packages until the flowing line comes up.

failed building wheel for twisted 

pip then crashed soon after, saying it has failed the installation.

why is this ?

is there a way round it to install twisted?

my wheel version is 0.29, I'm running windows 10, twisted installs fine for python 2.7


Brian Formento

Posted 2017-02-17T16:07:23.067

Reputation: 131

As far as I know, twisted isn't supported on python3 yet. There are still 31 issues active for the Python 3 milestone:

– user2313067 – 2017-02-17T21:42:08.410



I was looking for a solution to this (I use Python 3.6.1). Found this page:

It contains the windows binaries for a large number of python packages. For python 3.5 use the version with 'cp35' in the filename, and choose win32/amd64 based on your installation. You can install the .whl file easily using pip:

pip install Twisted‑17.1.0‑cp35‑cp35m‑win_amd64.whl

This solved the problem for me.

Tom Brouwer

Posted 2017-02-17T16:07:23.067

Reputation: 61


I encountered the same error too and in my case, the problem seemed to be that I did not have the Python workflow enabled in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. To enable that, launch the Visual Studio Launcher > Modify > tick the workflows you want to use (i.e. Python). This rectified it for me.


Posted 2017-02-17T16:07:23.067

Reputation: 1