How do you replace the logon shell with iexplore?



This is related to my previous question. Apparently I didn't know what I thought I knew..

Like said in my last post, I am looking to make a kiosk where when it starts up, it goes straight into iexplore without loading up explorer.exe.

I set the current logon shell to iexplore, but that didn't work.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell"="iexplore.exe"

perhaps somebody could help me back on track?


Posted 2010-02-13T01:19:04.443

Reputation: 307

You should elaborate the "didn't work" part: some error message? incorrect behaviour? – fluxtendu – 2010-02-13T08:05:09.217



well, that can't work unless you add the path to iexplore.exe to the environment variables, or change the value of 'Shell' to:

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE

you may have to press ctrl + alt + del to logon.


Posted 2010-02-13T01:19:04.443



According microsoft support the value should be iexplore -k

And maybe autologon could help.


Posted 2010-02-13T01:19:04.443

Reputation: 6 701


Well, that should just work. The only step you are missing is automatically logging in.

Though, if you want to go for a secure kiosk solution, try SteadyState, it's free.

Why didn't How can I prevent explorer starting as a shell in a kiosk setting help?

Tamara Wijsman

Posted 2010-02-13T01:19:04.443

Reputation: 54 163

i forgot to note that I'm using win xp embedded. (I am testing it by logging off & logging on)

what I get when I log on is (after logging in, working on that next) is a blank screen. Explorer didn't load, as expected, but IE doesn't either – KevinDeus – 2010-02-13T01:28:26.503


You may be better off trying to load something like Firefox. iexplore and explorer are very tightly interwoven.


Posted 2010-02-13T01:19:04.443

Reputation: 408