Cedilla under C (ç) in 'US international with dead keys' keyboard layout in Linux



I prefer to use US international with dead keys keyboard layout in order to get Latin diacritics for characters like é, è, à, etc in Libreoffice in Linux Mint.

On this layout characters like ´, `, ^, " are dead keys (clicked once do nothing) that can be pressed before other letters in order to get these signs.

' with a gives á
` with a gives à
" with a gives ä

etc, but

' with c gives ć

Can I get ç in this layout in Linux?

In Windows I do not have 'US international with dead keys' but only 'US international' which seems identical, only there dead-key ' with c gives ç (in both MSOffice and LibreOffice), which I think is the expected behavior.

I had imagined this might be a all-around system-level problem in Linux. But this keyboard layout (mentioned in a comment by user BramMooij under this question) can produce in Linux the cedilla under C (Ç) with AltGr-c.


Posted 2016-05-12T09:11:07.603


1Can't test specifically for US keyboard, but for me on International Eng simply alt/c gives ç - no dead key required – Tetsujin – 2016-05-12T09:20:19.163

@Tetsujin - do you have the other diacritics in that layout, all the other French letters? Take a look at my other question please: http://superuser.com/q/1075998/162573

– None – 2016-05-12T09:23:05.560

@Tetsujin - I'm afraid this is OS and application specific. I will update the question and give all details (about Linux). In Windows with MSOffice 2013 things are different. – None – 2016-05-12T09:30:26.363

That was the conclusion I was coming to too - your dead keys are totally different to mine. Mine are e,u,i,n and for ´ ¨ ^and ~ – Tetsujin – 2016-05-12T09:31:16.213

@Tetsujin - this is because of the different keyboard layouts. – None – 2016-05-12T09:32:42.390

Potentially , and c might work. – Aganju – 2016-05-12T10:25:11.130

@Aganju - , is not a dead key in US-International with dead keys – None – 2016-05-12T11:09:24.853

@Aganju - I want to give you credit for your comments that made me look deeper into this matter, and finally found it. I'll post as answer what I found. – None – 2016-05-12T14:25:56.820



The key combination for ç in US international with dead keys layout was there all along, but unlike the other Latin diacritics it does not involve a dead key:



enter image description here


Posted 2016-05-12T09:11:07.603



It's because the cedilla module isn't loaded by default when the locale is set to en, so you have to change the configuration files for gtk to add them:

1. Edit configuration files:

sudo vim /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules.cache

sudo vim /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules.cache

On both, find the lines starting with "cedilla" "Cedilla" and add :en to the line. Something like this:

"cedilla" "Cedilla" "gtk30" "/usr/share/locale" "az:ca:co:fr:gv:oc:pt:sq:tr:wa:en"

2. Change the Compose file:

sudo sed -i /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose -e 's/ć/ç/g' -e 's/Ć/Ç/g'

3. Instruct the system to load the cedilla module:

Add those lines to /etc/environment:


Reboot and you are done.


Posted 2016-05-12T09:11:07.603

Reputation: 542

Thank you so much! Also, I cross posted your answer on AskUbuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/30655/what-keyboard-layout-allows-me-to-type-%c3%a7/1113491#1113491 LMK if you want to post it yourself so I can remove my answer :)!

– Jhuliano Moreno – 2019-01-28T10:22:58.687

1THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – Felipe D. – 2019-07-17T02:56:47.520

After some updates on the OS, this workaround stops working. Are there any permanent ways that aren't affected by updates? – Luciano – 2019-08-09T20:25:11.937

There's no workaround that I know. As the changed files are part of the OS, any update will overwrite the files. You can create a bash script to alter the files again, so when you update, you can run the script again and change the files again. – ThoriumBR – 2019-08-09T20:35:05.130


If you like me don't have a AltGr button in your keyboard, try the following:

Right Alt + ,

Gabriel Ziegler

Posted 2016-05-12T09:11:07.603

Reputation: 113